Steam Name: h3x

SteamID: N/a

BanID: N/a

Ban Reason
Other 1 point - Forum warning

Staff Member: Haarek

Involved users
Edned, other members of the community - https://fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?pid=873546

Why should you be unbanned?
The warning isn't valid at all, I believe it's for calling the op an idiot, while right below my post Edned calls him dumb as well. This isn't a consistent system at all and it's unfair that SA/Admins can say things but normal peasant users cannot
I had a talk with the team and we came to the agreement that your warning should be revoked due to the other replies.
We'll try - everyone in the thread - to be a little more respectful next time!

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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