Steam Name: Devas

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61182541

BlacklistID(s): 110313

Blacklist Reason

Staff Member: Lewwings

Involved users

Why should you be unblacklisted?
So the situation is as following:

I say something during an event, then security decides to basically hostage me.
During a time where the security did not have me under fearrp: I decided to pull my weapon and tell him to put his hands up.
After I have him UNDER FEARRP and TELL HIM TO PUT HIS HANDS UP he decides to pull his weapon and start shooting.
Hereafter I shot the security and was blacklisted for "RDM"

In no way possible was this RDM.
I was threatened to my life by someone who tries hostaging me and STARTS SHOOTING me.

I feel as Lewwings had a bias to the security.

Someone else than joe joe handle please as he apparently doesn't understand what I was blacklisted for and for sure did not read what i posted
Denied again
Joe Joe
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