Reported User(s): Indigeo_

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:8403135

Date & Time (GMT): 27/7/21 @ 01:00 GMT

Summary of the incident
The accused killed me as a president when taxes wasn't even over 20, and no dictator law

when asked why he killed me in OOC I got no answer


Summary of the incident
As Pres Dank had a lockdown for 30-45 minutes. Me and my other Freedom fighter partner put multiple adverts in chat requesting freedom for citizens, Then threats to pres if he didn't end lockdown. Ending in my comrade being warranted for arrest. Also a toll road demanding 500$ for entry into city for citizens was brought up for impeding citizens rights and freedoms however this was also met with decline so we raided.

I feel like the footage gives a false angle to the proceeding as we had a gun battle for a few minutes with SRU and police to reach this point. So it's not like this was out of the blue or the president didn't know a raid was happening.

Thanks for your time.
Indigeo is having some trouble with his access to the forum at the moment so please bear with him until he can get it sorted.

In the meantime please let me point out the following:

The president had set a lockdown for the past 30-45 minutes without providing a reason, the city streets were deserted and he denied our request to end lockdown as he said it wasn't safe.

We also objected to the toll road limiting citizens' access to the city, people had told us that it was extortionate and they couldn't afford it so we wrote adverts to the president to demand it was removed. The only reaction we received was a warrant for my arrest and no response.

As we were being ignored, our only remaining option was to try to remove the president by force.

The video shown here was taken after we had had multiple gunfights within the nexus and nexus garage with the police and SRU so it shouldn't have been a surprise for the president that he was being raided.

I've added a screenshot below of my adverts on the subject:
I knew nexus was being raided, your reasons don't give a valid excuse to kill me nor raid me, however after not hearing anything for a while I decided to head back, having a toll is not a dictator thing. Using "/wanted" on you gives only the person being wanted a reason to kill the pres, indiego wasn't wanted as far as I know so he had no business raiding nor killing me, only you since I sent out a wanted for you

Lockdown was on since the city had wound up in caos, Mass rdms molotoving the nexus etc, i will provide with footage if necessary to show that lockdown was valid, and still, having lockdown doesn't give a reason to raid
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:76958346&b=1]
Hello DankNukem
Thank you for posting this player report on Indigeo_
It is now under review!
[Image: TglJDob.png]
[Image: courthouseconclusion.png]
Hello DankNukem
Thank you for posting this player report on Indigeo_


The accused is found guilty of what he is accused of in this player report.

The accused violated the following rules
  • 3.1a Violence should always be the last option.

In this case I see the raid itself as being valid due to whats stated within the section of the rules that goes more into detail of what's allowed within a raid. You were being very restrictive in your role as president by having expensive tolls and constant lockdowns.

"there are still many reasons that you may raid, such as: they banned your underground group from the city, their laws are very restrictive, or if the current RP has certain special conditions that would allow you to raid"

In this case though Indigeo_ did not follow everything stated

"Generally, so long as you aren't raiding solely for reasons explicitly banned in the rules, and you attempt to RP rather than just gun everyone down, you'll be ok and are allowed to raid."

The accused will recieve the following punishment

1h weapons blacklist

Thank you once again for posting this player report!
[Image: TglJDob.png]

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