User has been warned for this post. Reason:
User was warned for: Posting in a thread without the sufficient right
(02-24-2013, 01:06 AM)KierTheKebab Wrote: How can you say this? These a really serious accusations, unless you have evidence, then stop making up such lies, im 15 for goodness sake, how can you say i joined the ku klux klan? and how i drew swastikas on nexus, again do you have evidence? Banning me for 24 hrs is enough, to now lie about me like this is very hypocritical as you said you got annoyed when somebody get perma banned for others lieing.

Accusing a moderator of lying? That's a serious accusation. Jokhah does not need to provide a single evidence showing you or anyone else violating the rules. That is the reason there are moderators and administrators.
Case closed for SA intervention.

This is not an abuse case, all members who proceeded to post after it appeared to be 'resolved' have received suspensions. Abuse cases are not a joke.
@ the original thread:

For players with that many hours we shouldn't have to warn you. You have been here long enough to know to follow the rules and if you are unsure of them ask an admin or moderator.

Not an abuse case.

To all others that did not have sufficient right to post... This is not an open discussion thread so stop treating it as such.

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