Greets from r0wie_47 !
Hello Fearless! I made ​​a decision that I didn't want to make, but still needs to be made ​​... I'm very busy with programming LUA, HTML and school ofcourse. I hope I'll see you all again soon ! r0wie_47 out!

You also probably don't know me too well, But I hope I'll see you guys all again very soon and start with a great RP Again.

(*Ofcourse I will still check the Forums, So I'm able to recieve / send PM's*)

It's easy to be a far distance brave.... - r0wie_47
Have a nice one.
Goodbye, and good luck. See you later.
Talked to you on TS yesterday, tell me on Steam when you're on there and I'll join, see you later!
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy
Goodbye mate. I didn't really get to know you, but good luck with everything Smile!
Bye man
[Image: B1ry4Eh.png]
Have I helped? Well you could always Rep meh!
Seen you around on 2P, sad to see you go. Bye.
Kind Regards,
Bye mate!
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
Bye, good luck with everything.
[Image: KyhzLMb.png]
Credits to Rain.

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