Rowan Forum Ban
Before I start: It took me this long to do this because I can’t read.
Also thread delete and reposted because it seems I also can’t write- lol.
Mr Marsh (golfstream) will be posting on my behalf since my account was banned.

Your forum name: mr_rowan13
Your ban ID: I don’t think there is one.
Banned by: [FL] Beflok
Reason: “Constant disrespect for members/FL/Admins, racsim/ homophobic slangs, flaming threads, Does not care about FL only wants to spread hate “ [citation needed]
Involved: Me and everyone I ever came across here.
Why we should unban you: I’ll work from the very beginning and see where this goes.


Admins and FL [citation needed]:

I don’t recall getting into any heated discussion, disrespectful discussion with an admin before. In fact my contact with admins are quite rare, apart from a few on Steam. I have around 350 posts in these forums, you will not find any crap towards admins, the same way you have no chance in finding homophobia nor racism.

Disrespect for members & “thread flaming”:

Because the members are a same-opinionated group with no individual distinctive characteristics or beliefs- This description does not match reality. Lets continue.

Respect is earned, it wobbles around with time, it is not static. Ideally, you start off with a neutral position towards a certain individual, and with time and repetitive interaction the respect-o-meter’s needle sways either to the negative or to the positive. What your accusation suggests is that I simply take a negative response towards anyone regardless of their post, it also suggests I simply no not attempt to entice a good response. You’re basically accusing me of having no respect for anyone, and this is simply wrong.

So maybe in very particular situations I am a tad more hostile than the regular poster, who isn’t it? . Again, in particular situations. Why is this flaming threads? If anything, its obtaining an invested response (or it is in itself an invested response from me to someone else), which is the heart and soul of any worthy healthy debate/discussion anywhere. Even though doing it IRL is much easier, the forums aren’t that hard either. Basically, you would want to create the right mood and make so that people from the opposing view feel like they have to counter your position. This will give them a chance to put out what they have, and your chance to put out yours. More importantly about this technique is the word “invested”. When someone gets emotionally invested in giving you a response, the better for you. An emotion driven response easily shows the knowledge/source/information gaps in someone’s post, and in order to have a functional debate about something (one in which ideas are intelligently discussed), you must point out and eliminate these gaps.

Obviously, I’m was prosecuted by acting along these lines. The word “fruitcake” is connected to something I see very often; sheltering of posters and OP’s who have grown accustomed to the comfort of being able to spew pure inaccuracy about anything and not be called out on their argument.


In all possible seriousness, inb4 fruitcake is homophobic. You can’t ask anyone to give believe that tinfoil hat theory that me and anyone else within the AFB was some sort of anti-gay racist, or that the idea of the group is to embody these traits.

Spoiler :
In the United States, the fruit cake has been a ridiculed dessert. Some attribute the beginning of this trend with The Tonight Show host Johnny Carson.[2] He would joke that there really is only one fruitcake in the world, passed from family to family. After Carson's death, the tradition continued with "The Fruitcake Lady" (Marie Rudisill), who made appearances on the show and offered her "fruitcake" opinions. In fact, the fruitcake had been a butt of jokes on television programs such as "Father Knows Best" and "The Donna Reed Show" years before The Tonight Show debuted.
Since 1995, Manitou Springs, Colorado, has hosted the Great Fruitcake Toss on the first Saturday of every January. "We encourage the use of recycled fruitcakes," says Leslie Lewis of the Manitou Springs Chamber of Commerce. The all-time Great Fruitcake Toss record is 1,420 feet, set in January 2007 by a group of eight Boeing engineers who built the "Omega 380," a mock artillery piece fueled by compressed air pumped by an exercise bike.[5]

Straight out of wiki. Main article. Disambiguation page referrers to 8 other possible meanings

The word “fruitcake” has only had 2 meanings for us in the forums, and I my whole life: the pastry and… well fruitcake the people who are nutty/silly/ignorant/oblivious to reality. There is no other word for the cake and there are another hundred for gays. Its not like I'm on the Anti-cigarette Brigade and running around with crossed rainbow logos while claiming cigarette to mean cigarette. You're making me and the clan sound like villainous haters when we're definitely not. The first “linking” to LGBT was made by some (gunfish possibly), who I thought to be trolling. I mean why wouldn’t he? It’s the Anti-Fruitcake Brigade, it sounds humorous and ridiculous. Its like its asking to be the foundation of puns.

The only difference between the AFB and any other group of friends who respect each other and link forum posts around between the circle, its that it is an official group of friends who respect each other and link forum posts around between the circle.

Now regarding me and me only I have 350 posts in these forums. Where is the racism or the homophobia in my posts, in my attitude or anywhere for that matter? I made the gay marriage thread and I very clearly state more than once my side on the debate and reasoning behind it

Does not care about FL only wants to spread hate:

Too bad that “scene goodbye” thread is gone. In that thread there was probably one of my most honest opinions about FL, its functioning and structure. I’m sure you all read it, who the hell are you to say know what I do or don’t care about? Specially taking in consideration my extensive activity, how does one puts it all together after one of those so called “investigations” and ends up calling me, of all people on this god damned forum, a racist and a homophone?

PS: Thank you Marsh for posting,
Excuse any censored word or mal-formatting, I was using Word to type this and sometimes lost attention to those details.
Image removed, Clan closed. - beflok
Why did you repost the appeal?
This is a different re-written thread.
Rowan claims he was high on lightbulb dust when the wrote the obfuscating request that made eyes hurt (the language and tone was not suitable, that's what he means).

"Since there were no Admin replies nothing was lost, really. Deleting text and leaving a warning claiming to provide new defense within 24h would have probably just had the thread closed and filed as a denied request right away."- Rowan.
Image removed, Clan closed. - beflok
Quote:Banned by: Somewhere, over the rainbow, Beflok bans, [lyrics cut short due to copyright infringement laws
Neat display of your arrogance, why was that necessary though?
(04-26-2013, 05:32 PM)Killjoy Wrote:
Quote:Banned by: Somewhere, over the rainbow, Beflok bans, [lyrics cut short due to copyright infringement laws
Neat display of your arrogance, why was that necessary though?

Too... sing a song?
Well, seeing that you pointed it out, 2 things: Its an unfortunate coincidence given the odd situation, did not mean it as a pun. I was supposed to have deleted it on this "re-post" buuuuuuuuuuut it was alotta cutting and rephrasing, I completely ignored the template by sheer sloppiness.

Consider it poofed.
Image removed, Clan closed. - beflok
I dont care what you all thought fruitcake means but to some it could be considered as offensive. Get over it, all you guys did was troll and harrass anyways.

Rowan has showed how he wanted to spend his time on the forums his time here is done now.

You can write up the most fanciest of unban requests you want to... but it wont change my decision and his actions. His reasons were all correct and quite frankly his ban is long overdue.

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