Regarding recent resignations and other changes
- more admins for the other timezone, even more than we had before
- more admins in general to keep the whole team from getting stressed out
- server updates
- forum updates

- more admins in general to keep the whole team from getting stressed out:
so i was told we were only going to hae only 20 admins back when we got nadrick i was guessing he was going to be are last one for a while.when you guys mean by more admins in general to keep the whole team from getting stressed out do you mean were going to have like about 25 or higher?
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We need more thank 20 Admins, if not the minges will tear us apart.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

I'm seriously surprised by how advance this community actually is, and I've never thought that these problems such as stress develop on gigantic communities like FL. I'm seriously disappointed in my self not to have noticed such a community before, and have been so less active on these very in-depth detailed and advance threads. Either way, It's been boggling my mind since ever I joined FL, that there were so many minges, with 1-3 admins online EVER. There were and are around 10 players in OOC complaining per minute. I'm guessing around 25 in the admin chat. I was also one of those complaining players, as it really has felt like I was completely powerless against all those minges, and the admins dealing with them would have their hands so full, that they'd sometimes just decide to ignore everything being sent in admin chat and OOC, and just play, or even in some cases, the few few amounts of admins would actually leave the server out of the stress. I hope to become one of the admins in the very near future, and I hope that there will be more reserved slots and more admins online on the FL community servers.

@Nudel. I really think that if anyone were to waste almost a year of hard work, as in this case, superadmin -> admin, they would of been seriously upset. I respect and agree with the decisions that Dryblood had made, even at the time he was a superadmin. It does seem to his eyes that what he did was rash, but also somewhat of a type of emergency.
I seriously think you should at least offer him his position back if he decides to return.

I greatly thank you for telling us all of this, as the information we are given is only the end result of complicated discussions and decisions.

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