Reported User(s): guevara

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80669389

Date & Time (GMT): 10/02/2021 @ 20:00 GMT

Summary of the incident
I was president, tax was 15% and no raidable laws. User came in, shot me dead for no reason, went president straight after and set 40% tax as soon as he joined.


Tax was 15% at the time, laws were as follows:

Spoiler :
Article 1: Motors
Subsection 1: Speed limits
1.1.1 - The speed limit within the city is 30 MPH (48 KPH)
1.1.2 - The speed limit beyond the city is 50 MPH (80 KPH)
1.1.3 - The maximum fine a law enforcement official may issue a speeding driver is $750. In cases where more severe punishment is required, the law enforcement official may impound the vehicle and arrest the driver.

Subsection 2: Traffic Lights & Signs
1.2.1 - All vehicles are required to stop at red lights throughout San Ranevo.
1.2.1a - ... with the exception of government officials responding to an emergency situation where time is of the essence.
1.2.1b - whilst doing so, government officials must use lights & sirens.
1.2.2 - All vehicles are required to stop at stop signs throughout San Ranevo.
1.2.2a - ... with the exception of government officials responding to *extreme* emergency situations where time is of the essence.
1.2.2b - whilst doing so, government officials must use lights & sirens.
1.2.3 - The maximum fine a law enforcement official may issue a driver for violating 1.2.1/1.2.2 is $500. In cases where more severe punishment is required, the law enforcement official may impound the vehicle and arrest the driver.

Subsection 3: Vehicle safety
1.3.1 - A vehicle must not be excessively damaged to be legally permitted to drive on San Ranevo's roads.
1.3.1a ... excessive damage includes but is not limited to things such as faulty headlights, missing or broken wheels, severe engine damage.
1.3.2 - Law enforcement officials should pull over damaged vehicles and call a mechanic to tow or repair the vehicle.
1.3.2a ... should neither of these services be available, the law enforcement official may permit the vehicle to drive directly to the nearest repair station and escort them as they do so.

Subsection 4: Parking
1.4.1 - It is illegal to park in front of, or in a way which obstructs, a bus stop, fire hydrant, garage entrance or driveway.
1.4.2 - It is illegal to park on the sidewalk in the city.
1.4.3 - It is illegal to park in any way that obstructs the road.
1.4.4 - It is illegal to park in any way that obstructs designated road crossings, such as zebra crossings within the city.
1.4.5 - It is illegal to park facing against the direction of traffic.
1.4.6 - Should a vehicle violate parking regulations, they are to have their vehicle clamped, ticketed or impounded at the discretion of law enforcement officials.
1.4.6a ... If a vehicle is clamped or left with a ticket, it must be moved so that it no longer violates parking regulations.
1.4.6b ... law enforcement officials may only use *one* of the designated punishments. They may not, for example, clamp *and* ticket a vehicle.
1.4.7 - Government officials are not exempt from parking regulations and will face punishment if found to be in violation of them.
1.4.7a ... with the exception of needing to respond to an emergency situation or block off an area with their vehicle (such as a police cordon.)
1.4.7b ... despite this exception, law enforcement officials should always try to park properly where possible and be quick to rectify their parking as soon as the emergency is resolved.
1.4.7c ... the exception of 1.4.7a is only valid for the duration of the emergency of which the government official is actively responding to.

Subsection 5: Reckless driving
1.5.1 - Reckless driving includes, but is not limited to... swerving between lanes, overtaking, driving along the wrong side of the road, drifting, U-turns, ramming, extreme instances of speeding.
1.5.1a ... law enforcement officials have full authority to decide for themselves what constitutes reckless driving (within reason of course.)
1.5.2 - Reckless driving will be punished by the impounding of the driver's vehicle and the revocation of the driver's license.

Subsection 6: Traffic stops
1.6.1 - Should a law enforcement vehicle signal for you to stop (lights and sirens, though not always including sirens), you must do so at the next available opportunity that allows you to pull over without blocking the road or committing a parking violation.
1.6.1a ... should this mean delaying the stop for a while, the law enforcement official may not punish you for following law 1.6.1 and you may bring this up with their superior if they do.
1.6.2 - passengers of a vehicle are not responsible for the crimes of the driver. It is illegal for any government official to punish passengers for the crimes of the driver of the vehicle (such as speeding etc) unless they are confirmed to be accomplices, or the passengers are forcing the driver to commit the crimes.
1.6.3 - Law enforcement officials are required by law to search the driver and vehicle (though not necessarily the passengers) when performing a traffic stop. They must also carry out checks on the driver's license and points of the driver.
1.6.4 - Should law enforcement suspect a driver may be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs at the wheel, they must carry out drug tests on the spot.

Subsection 7: Spike Strips & Lethal Force
1.7.1 – Should a vehicle continuously evade the police, and the police fail to force them to stop, the sergeant may authorise the use of spike strips.
1.7.1a ... spike strips should only be in the extended position when the suspect is approaching to avoid risk of damage to other vehicles.
1.7.2 - Should an evasive driver prove to be an active danger to the lives of others, law enforcement are authorised to use lethal force to bring the vehicle to a stop.
1.7.2a ... if the driver has yet to kill anyone in this case, the police must issue a warning broadcast before opening fire.
1.7.3 The police sergeant is responsible for managing the use of lethal force; if an officer does so without authorization the sergeant is required to deal with them immediately.

Subsection 8: Injury
1.8.1 - Should a driver injure someone with their vehicle, they must immediately call an ERU or use a CPR kit if they have one.
1.8.1a ... if a driver calls an ERU or uses a CPR kit, it is no longer correct for a law enforcement unit to punish them for hit and run, but they may question the driver to ascertain how they came to injure the victim and potentially punish any driving violations in any case.

Subsection 9: Excessively large vehicles.
1.9.1 - Vehicles which are excessively large such as trucks which are actively pulling trailers are banned from the city as they are too large and unwieldy to be used safely inside the city. They may be used outside the city instead.


Article 2: Armaments
Subsection 1: Firearms
2.1.1 - Firearms are not permitted within San Ranevo and those found with weapons on their person will be arrested.
2.1.1a ... government officials are exempt from this rule for law enforcement purposes.

Subsection 2: Melee
2.2.1 - Melee weapons are not permitted in the city unless they are conceal carried.
2.2.1a ... exceptions are baseball bats and crowbars as these are not technically purpose-built weapons.
2.2.2 - melee weapons must exclusively be used to avert imminent danger on one's own life or that of another.

Subsection 3: Grenades
2.3.1 - Grenades are strictly illegal and may not be used.
2.3.1a ... with the exception of government S.W.A.T. Units.

Subsection 3: Distribution:
2.3.1 - Gun Dealers are not permitted to operate within San Ranevo. Gun dealers found to be operating in San Ranevo face incarceration.
2.3.1a ... Police can only arrest gun dealers if they are found in the middle of making a sale, and must allow the sale to end before the arrest to prevent scamming etc.
2.3.1b ... If gun dealers attempt to use the excuse that they are only selling "fake weapons" or "bb guns" the law enforcement unit must inspect the guns personally to determine whether this is true.


Article 3: Black Market
Subsection 1: Black Market Dealers
3.1.1 - Due to the fact that black market dealers deal in illicit goods, they are not permitted to operate within San Ranevo.
3.1.1a ... Black Market Dealers may only be arrested or punished in any way if they are found selling, not by default because of their occupation.
3.1.1b ... if Black Market Dealers are caught in the middle of a sale, police must allow the transaction to finish before making the arrest. (OOC this is to prevent people getting scammed out of their money and/or products they bought.)

Subsection 2: Marijuana
3.2.1 - Marijuana is illegal and must be destroyed if found by law enforcement officials.
3.2.2 - Growing, purchasing and distributing marijuana is illegal and those caught doing so will be arrested.
3.2.3 - Plant pots by themselves are *not* illegal and should only be confiscated / destroyed if they contain marijuana plants at the time of discovery.

Subsection 3: Contraband
3.3.1 - Money printers and drug labs are strictly illegal. Those found using them will be arrested and the contraband will be destroyed.


Article 4: Private Property Regulation
Subsection 1: Windows & Walls
4.1.1 - Walls must be opaque and no higher than the average officer.
4.1.2 - Windows must not be blocked or obstructed in any way. People must be able to see through them.
4.1.3 - Failure to follow these regulations will result in law enforcement searching the premises.

Subsection 2: Rights
4.2.1 - Any citizen of San Ranevo has the right to own property.

Subsection 3: Reasonable Suspicion
4.3.1 - Law enforcement may search a property if they deem there to be reasonable suspicion of criminal activities within the premises.
4.3.1a ... such as sounds of criminal activity, visible criminal activity, fugitive seen entering the property.

Subsection 4: Search Regulation
4.4.1 - Law enforcement units must be in uniform when conducting a search of any given property.
4.4.1a ... especially if they are participating in a raid.
4.4.2 - Law enforcement must get the search warrant *before* the search is carried out, not during or after.
4.4.2a ... the police and S.W.A.T. sergeants are mutually responsible for their men requesting search warrants and ensuring that 4.4.2 is followed correctly at all times.


Article 5: Presidential Authority
Subsection 1: Government
5.1.1 - The president is responsible for the smooth running of government, and therefor reserves the right to demote government officials as they see fit to ensure this.
5.1.2 - Government officials must not be demoted for offering constructive criticism to the president, but they may be demoted for excessive disrespect.

Subsection 2: The People
5.2.1 - The president, as an elected official, is answerable to the people. Should the president be impeached and found guilty, they are required to resign their position effective immediately.

Subsection 3: Vice President
5.3.1 - The vice president's job is to assist the president in their day to day duties.
5.3.2 - The vice president is a subordinate role and may not issue demotions, edit taxes or pass laws without the president's consent.
5.3.2a ... violation of this rule will result in immediate demotion of the VP with no exceptions.


Article 6: Government Transparency and Accountability
Subsection 1: Law Enforcement
6.1.1 - Law enforcement officials are not exempt or above the law.
6.1.1a ... besides any stated exceptions that are necessary in the pursuit of their duty.

Subsection 2: Transparency
6.2.1 - Government officials must make broadcasts explaining emergency situations to the public etc. For example, sergeant announcing a shootout and announcing that the area is closed and cordoned off.
6.2.2 - If any citizen believes a government official is breaking the law or being otherwise immoral / unprofessional, you are fully within your rights to contact the president regarding the situation and we will initiate a transparent inquiry into said official's behaviour.
6.2.3 - Prisoners have the right to challenge their sentence and will be released with compensation by the president if found to be arrested falsely.
6.2.4 - Nexus Lobby must always be open to the public
6.2.4a ... with the exception of any lockdowns.

Subsection 3: Government Regulation
6.3.1 - Government officials may not have someone arrested for petty reasons such as disrespect. Our government must be above such behaviour.
6.3.2 - Government officials are prohibited from releasing convicts from jails, especially if they are taking bribes to do so.
6.3.3 - Government officials must treat people (including their colleagues) with respect and common decency.
6.3.4 - Law enforcement officials partaking in fights/raids/searches of any kind must be in uniform whilst doing so regardless of whether they are undercover.
6.3.5 - The Nexus Jails must, at all times, have at least 1 guard stationed inside.

Approved & Closed

Accused is in clear violation of rule 7.5 given no laws give a valid excuse for raid nor do the tax amounts.
[Image: QAlZlgi.png]

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