[FL:RP] Ratatoskrr
Steam Name: [FL:RP] Ratatoskrr

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:70457151

BlacklistID(s): 106842

Blacklist Reason
Breaking FearRP, should know better.

Staff Member: Midget

Involved users

Why should you be unblacklisted?
Right so. We were on our way back from wiping out a dictator when we were blockaded at the end of a tunnel by a cop (P1LL4N)

I was in the backseat of the car whilst Pacman was in the front. He said get out the car to which I banked on him not seeing me in the backseat of the car. Anyway we Pacman and P1LL4N conversed then Pacman hopped out the car with his gun out (He had it selected when he originally got into the car therefore he automatically had it out.) I then followed suit in getting out the car to which the police officer (P1LL4N) Opened fire on pacman. May I add that throughout this whole tussle, I didnt shoot a bullet or even pull out my weapon. In addition to my story, I'd like to add that P1LL4N removed the video from youtube the very instant I was issued my punishment. I wanted to use the video in my UBR but he appears to have some personal vendetta against me and wants me off of the server.

Thanks for reading this and I hope you come to your sense midget.


[Image: andrew-tate-top-g.gif]
I agree with the statement above IDK why he got a blacklist he did nothing wrong. When P1LL4N pulled up he blocked us and said get out which I was trying to buy a bit of time and said alright let me just talk with my friend real quick, I then got out heard a shot and opened fire since I already had my gun out before I entered my vehicle.
Hello Ratatoskrr, thank you for making an unblacklist request. 

I had reports of you two breaking fearRP in the tunnel entrance to farms. P1LL4N had recorded a video of the encounter and that is what was used to decide the verdict after hearing both sides of the story. I passed this video over to several other staff members and we came to a conclusion that this was a blatant case of fearRP. 
You both refused to listen to orders for a good 15 - 20 seconds before finally getting out of the car with clear intent to shoot.

Since this fearRP case involved weapons I saw it fit to blacklist you both from weapons. My other option was to hand out a one day ban and I will generally try to avoid this if not absolutely necessary. I hope you will learn from the punishment and think twice before continuing similar actions in the future. 

The main takeaway here is that when a person points a weapon at you, you listen to their command ASAP - regardless of where in the vehicle you are positioned. You two equipping a gun before entering the car is irrelevant as no human could possibly exit the vehicle, pull out a rifle and expect to not be fatally shot by a trained police officer in real life. If this happens again inform the other player that you have your guns equipped and will be holstering them as soon as you get out of the car. As I see it you both broke fearRP in this case and I believe the punishment is fit and just. 

(As a sidenote I also have to add that you pulling out a weapon or not in this case is not the point. You refused to listen to the orders for an extended period of time and you two getting out of the vehicle at the same time and pacman flanking wide is a clear teamed effort and a violation of fearRP from both of you. If you had intentions of following fearRP you would have exited the car and listened to the officer immediately.) 

The next time follow the police officers orders and be afraid of your life, here this was not the case. 

Best regards,
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Kind Regards,
Fearless Veteran

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