Unblacklist Request
Your name: Aspire

Your blacklist ID: 99725

Steam ID: [b]STEAM_0:1:200223448[/b]

Reason: RDM.

Staff member who blacklisted you: Narcotic

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:

Hello, I would like to start by saying that I am in no way trying to disrespect Narcotic, I just disagree with him on this occasion.

So the reasons why this wasn't rdm will be explained:

So the dictator at the time publicly said in chat that he was a dictator.

In character every member of society knows that a dictator can execute you for murder.

Now I was in minnesota being chased by Postal, some crazy guy who was minging the elevator so I was stuck in it for 5 mins. By the time I got upstairs Postal came up in the elevator, I was armed and didn't expect him to run at me shooting (this was the exact same spot incident 2 happened).
I dropped him as I feared my life which is pretty fair enough.

So I go down stairs and meet his other police officers who ask me some questions and then let me go.

Now 5 mins later I get warranted randomly.

I am like why am I warranted, I notice there is a dictator so i am thinking oh shit they may know I killed a cop and this means I could be sentenced to death.

In fear of my life I remain in Minnesota because I had a gun out already, i can't run into the mainstreet to get away as this is considered baiting the cops.

So I am holding up the second floor hoping the cops don't come and trying to get them to remove my warrant.

An officer comes upstairs where I am and begins moving towards me fully gun drawn same as me, at this point I open fire in fear of my life. I am trapped upstairs...

Narcotics entire point was that I should have given myself up...
I was not allowed to be free, I was forced into being arrested, now I chose not to give myself up because I knew there was a dictator and I knew that for killing the first cop I might be sentenced to death.

I was in fear of my life so i only shot when the officer moved towards me.

Narcotic saw the entire second incident so I believe now he knows my full reasoning more clearly this is not rdm at all.
From my point of view:

You were in Minnesota Building just being there. At this point, you were given an arrest warrant as you were calling for an uprising against the president in /advert. One singular police officer then came to search the Minnesota building as he said "he seen you in there earlier". At this point, you were loading and pulling out weapons (raised and had them ready for a fight). Once the police officer reached the second floor (gun lowered) and began running across the bridge to search for you, you began open firing and attempting to kill him (shooting at him first). This firefight then escalated into one of the officer rooms located on the second floor and then eventually the officer killed you.

From my POV you had no reason to kill him, he was simply searching for you for posting threats against the dictator. As instructed by his president. You opened fire first upon the officer calling for him to respond. Your response to doing this was "fearing for your life as people get executed in prison" and "I had no way out". As explained in the admin sit, you could have holstered your weapons and put your hands up. Violence should be the last option. If the officer then attacked you with your hands up and not posing a threat, he would then be dealt with in a separate situation. But upon this occasion, you attacked first with very limited and, in my opinion, not a very valid reason to do so.

Also, you were hanging around inside the Minnesota building for a long time with weapons whilst sending the aggressive /adverts calling for an uprising against the president before any officers were called; a building which is reserved for PassiveRP.
So if I holster my gun i give myself up to be executed.
This is not rdm.
I was in the minnesota just chilling ready to do some passive with shadow when borgan replied to my advert and was very mean, so i played along with him and we got warrants for no reason.
Until i was warranted i did not threaten anyone, it was a random warrant.

So you pretty much saying if a fully armed officer is running at me I have to holster my gun.....

Right, well that ain't happening I am defending my life man, like I have explained I was in fear of the death penalty.
So if someone has to shoot for the other person to be allowed to shoot then you are saying someone has to break the rules to then have authorisation to return fire.

What you are forcing is a stalemate which is not fair on me.

Please can you get another admins perspective as this makes no sense to me.
To me it sounds like you initiated no Roleplay. You could have easily have taken him under FearRP
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
(05-01-2018, 02:09 AM)Awestruck Wrote: To me it sounds like you initiated no Roleplay. You could have easily have taken him under FearRP

To be honest we both know that this situation wasn't a rule break.
I didn't want to roleplay taking him as a hostage because then I would have an admin ban me for hostaging in Minnesota.
I really didn't want to kill the guy but he ran at me with his gun out.

Explain to me what rule I broke as I've looked over every rule and can't see how this is rdm.
You RDMed him as you never really had a reason to kill him. Minnesota being reserved for PassiveRP means that you cannot base there, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't hostage someone if you really need to.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
He ran at me fully armed with a gun out. I had every reason to shoot him. I'm shocked at how you can keep saying it is still rdm. A cop ran at me fully geared, gun in hand. It's not rdm.

Edited: He was under 2 metres away running at me with a gun, I was well within my right to shoot him. I understand if you feel I should have roleplayed it more but I didn't. I was in fear of my life for the reasons stated above.

Edited Again:

I was a cop killer in fear of my life, a cop was running at me with a gun, he saw I had a gun and would of shot first and asked questions later. I was fearing for my life and acted.

Edited Again: 

If he has his gun out I can't get him under fear rp.

Further Update:

I accidentally said nexus before, so changed it to Minnesota the entire situation was in Minnesota.
6c. If the player successfully provides staff information to their request, staff have 7 days to either conclude or ask for further information else your unblacklist request will be Approved and blacklist removed from record.

I waited 7 days from my last modification and 10 days from my last original comment.

You were provided with the necessary information and have not chosen to conclude or reply.

Approve as per rule 6.c.

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