Grub's Resignation
Hello Everyone,

After spending a mighty number of hours, and spending many hours with friends who some feel like family, I believe its time for me to step down. I do not agree with a certain number of things and I am a man of stability. A man who needs not to see a perfectly stacked pile of papers, only to be thrown in the air to be resorted in some kind of craze. I loved just about every minute here and have over 30,000 screenshots to remember each moment. I especially thank every Agent that walked through the door for it kept me here even in the darkest days in my life. I have seen many staff members come and go, and had my fair share of nonsense. Back in the older days doing things that old Killjoy grabbed my friend and I on! I sure had a blast, I believe I was an administrator for roughly three to four years. Boy has the community changed, from my first day to pretty close to my last. The huge jump from Gmod 12 to Gmod 13, what a ride. I'd like to say a few things to a few here, if I forget a name or two, feel free to drop me a forum PM comment, and I'll add you down. Being here for nearly five years, names start to escape you.

Dark Shadowfall - I've crossed many years with you! I remember when I first came across you with that speedy BMW of yours not noticing anything as a cop. I'm glad I got to meet you because I know what you did for the Agency. Many do even if you do try to brush it off. I don't forget what everyone does here. You're a smart man, despite being stubborn, we've fought each other to the end only to smile at the end haha! My old trucks will still beat your prius yo

Audacter - You're quite the nice guy even though some do not think so. You're the type of person who strives to do the best even when everyone else tries to skimp by. I'm proud of what you've done, keep it up. Don't let the world eat at you, be the conquerer. I know what you're capable of Aud, don't cut your own self short!

GeorgeTheBoy - Oh boy this guy. George I've had a ton of stupid giggles with you, especially when we screwed with each other profiles. I promised to keep mine as long as you kept yours! However, sadly we'll both be forgotten and our profiles be a sad tombstone for the both of us. George I never forget grabbing you as an Agent. Especially when the others kept whispering Head Agent during promotion, this poor guy here.

Ciryl - You'll always be a circle, too bad for you. I had my ups and downs with you, but still loved you all the same. I don't speak to you that much anymore, but just because we don't chat doesn't mean I don't think of you! Silly circle.
Nighthawk - You're an Agent that I'm glad that got sucked into the Agency! I'm proud of what you've done working to get things done, even if you cut yourself short of credit. I've had the dumbest conversations with you, and laughed so hard my hermit crabs shook in fear! Look what you did!

AssassinHero - Oh man get a load of this GUY. A commander who just so happens to be a meatball haha. You're someone who has helped the Agency even though had some other things pop up. Thank you and I'm glad you fought for the right cause!

EthanArcher - You're a silly little noob Ethan. A noob that belongs in the Agency!! I'm glad I got to meet you Ethan since you are a nice bloke that aided the Agency even when you couldn't be here 100%.

GunFish - No one knows who you are! Wtf is this! Gunfish I thank you for being loyal and still standing by even though you got caught up in life. I hope everything is well and I still got that jail you made the fancy doors for!
Hitman - This guy. This guy had waited for two years to try to get into the Agency. That made me a smile from ear to ear! You proved to be an amazing Agent Hitman. Truly, I'm glad you threw up an application to our little home. Can't wait to do more work with you!

JerryCat - You're a cat named Jerry. Thats all you are! Nawh, thank you for the help and aide you put fourth Jerry! You're a cool cat (Haha pun), and I'm glad I got to meet you and know you to the core! Don't get mad that I leaked your secret of being a cat Sad

MasterNoda - Aye, you took off from the Agency quite recently. That burned me pretty good, but I don't hold anything against you! Thank you for working diligently with Audacter on our certain fields and being a great Agent while being here. Not like the off topic section got blown up by you haha.

Nexus - You're just so darn cute, anyone who hates you is heartless. All jokes aside, I'm glad I got to know you Naxus. You're a kind feller who was more than willing to jump to defend the Agency. I hope to see more of you in the future.

Nightmare - Nightmoo the Hermit Crab! A silly little curious guy who doesn't give himself enough credit. Learn to smile Nightmare and you'll go far! Thank you for enhancing our medical side, can't wait to use more of it! You're a cool guy who I can tell gets excited about things!!! Good!

Oumsn - Ousmn I have to say, you're a darn loyal Agent. I have seen you here for quite some time and I know you pretty personally. I love you to death like I do all Agents, and I hope we continue to fight together! 

Temar - Oh boy. TEEEEmar, you're a guy that abused me senseless, but I enjoyed every second of it haha! Yes I still have you listed as apart of the Agency, tough luck huh. I had a blast with you Temar here! Running around with you as cops, SRU, SAA, and god knows what else.

Trevor Jackson - Trevor!! You got sucked in Early like Dark! I've known you for many many many years. In fact, I feel bad for you since we kept sucking you into that test subject RP roughly three years ago! Look where you ended up haha, glad I got to have such a bond with you! Watch out, I'll start that test subject RP again.

Viljo - You're the coolest Finnish man I ever met. You don't hunt me down and kill me, you're awesome! I could tell you were shy in the beginning, but look at you now. You're all over the place haha. I'm glad I got to meet you Viljo, you're a kind soul.

WorldWideCoffee - Oh boy, I've gotten in the dumbest situations with you, but wouldn't change it for the world. You're a cool guy that I got involved with in the early days. I still remember our little conflict with Blat haha. Been a long time with you! We ran into Killjoy together and stayed together ever since.

Zambie - Yoooo Zambie, stop munching on me, I ain't your food. All jokes aside, you're a friendly guy. Don't listen to what people say, they're just jealous of you. If someone says something mean to you, give them the finger and walk away. Love you to death Zambie!

Nacreas - I've known you for quite some time. Seen you grow as an Agent and then lead off on your own journey. I wish you all the best and hope every decision you made you were happy with.

Jokhah - Man Im still confused, but hey Im not holding anything against you. I saw you when you had 30 hours and soon saw you be absorbed into the Agency. You're a great guy that just needs to calm down and take a breather. Hope to catch a chat with you soon Jokhah!

Enzyme - Loved you in the beginning, then you pulled some shady type things man. Little hurt by it won't lie to you! Hit some soft spots, but still wish you all the best. In your glory days, you aided the Agency in many battles.

Fultzy - In the beginning, I liked you. Then I realized what you did in specific cases. Such as badmouthing the Agency endlessly to get closer to Super Admin. It was blatantly obvious and a little sad. Especially when you backstabbed me and ended my friendship with Killjoy. Classic, I'm glad I got to hear it before you took off from Fearless.

Killjoy - I respected you quite a bit. Had you pretty high on my list and looked up to you, then one day you turned right against me. From that day forward, I was in your sights since Day one. However, I won't forget the tips in life and moreover the bs you had to deal from Coffee and I! Had a blast man.

Zaeed - A lot of people hated you, but I thought you were the funniest guy to exist. Still chat with you once in awhile, hope to continue to do so! Glad I got to meet you!

GhostRider - Liked you a lot Ghost, even if you disappeared and took off every now and then. Yeah I don't forget! Saw you fight and serve the Agency many days at a day. I hope life is moving smoothly for you!

Griim - Mr.Baker! You kept trying to change your RP Name, but I didn't accept that haha. People didn't know who the hell I was referring too, but you sure did! I hope everything is going will in your life even though we parted ways.

Rolorox - Hey Rolo, I feel we left on a bad note, however I hope things in your life are going well. I won't forget the laughs we had!

Theomenz - Used to love you to death! Had a lot of great laughs with you over the years, but you went sour. You need to smile once in awhile and take some of the hatred out of your heart!

Hostage - You're the friendliest guy I've ever met. Honestly, I remember asking you for an Alliance back in the FUMUKU war days, won't forget that! I hope everything is will with you!

Brynn - Omg I still find you super amazing Brynn! I hope everything is going well for you Brynn, you were a kind soul that I wanted an application from!!!

Burnett - You owned me an application and took off on me! What are you doin!! I hope everything is going well for you anyways Burnett.

Elder - No one most likely remembers you, but you were a cool guy. I liked you a lot and you taught me a lot. I hope everything is going well with the twitch stuff.

Unknown - You died like years ago, but I still remember you. Started abusing the old ammo bug and man I remember when you got caught, dear god I laughed and laughed. Silly Canadian.

Der Miester - I joined the server with you bro! You got mad because I spent my life here haha. Still think about you even though we rarely talk! What we've known each other for 10 years now, christ.

Kermit - Oh boy. Known you for 10 years too, don't speak to you much anymore. Ignored my Christmas card attempt! Hope that game dev stuff is going well with you.

StarDog - Snake wanted to kill you for showing me Fearless haha. I haven't spoken to you in forever and I do miss you to death. 

Badbie - Dear god, no one remembers you either. You disappeared and died, but you popped out of nowhere last month! I'm glad I got to chat with you.

Branman - Hulu Sulu. The death machine on wheeels. Had too many laughs with you, I hope you're doing alright in life.

Rosarche - I honestly have no clue how to spell your name, but we kinda parted ways. Thought you were hilarious as well, I think me getting promoted kinda split that, but hey now we can change that haha!

Matt - You were just a nice guy that I don't think would hurt a fly. If someone shot you, youd go "Im sorry, I must've been in your way". I was like "WHAT LOL?", I hope everything is going well in life for you!
Matt W. You were an awesome guy. You were promoted out of nowhere and some people didn't like that. I however loved the idea of a new friend! Especially when I cried to you for help, and of course you lended a hand!

Bombfire - You were cool in the beginning. However, I still don't forgive you for mistreating Theo and abusing your friendship with him over Fearless. That was low, and even though Theo and I had a falling out, I still have no place in my heart for someone who commits actions like yourself.

Spartan Junior - You were a friendly TF2 Hat collector, I would of played with you more, but TF2 drives me up a wall after awhile. Hope everything is doing well for you in life!

Chimp - Laughed how you used to hunt Trevor. Hope everything is doing well for you.

Todcat - Used to chat with you quite a bit, funny how things change after years. Best of luck to you in life.

IGinger - Used to be good friends with you too, best of luck to you. 

Ryan - Used to roam around with you too back in the day. Best of luck to you.

Joeveryold - Used to a lot of dumb stuff with you haha. I remember threatening to bring a tree from NY to your house just so I could drop a tree on it. I remember laughing with Fultzy about that.

Ryans - I swear you and Bon Qui Qui were inseparable. Spent many raids with you back in the day!

BonQuiQui - I remember when the SAA was under attack and I called upon you, all I heard was constant yelling of "BON QUI QUI BON QUI QUI" and people dying. Good day.

Beflok - I used to torment the hell out of you! Still love you to death even though you like to disappear for years on end. Prob gets too hot and you have to go drink sand. (I dunno what Arizona people do)

Sniperwolf - You were a chill guy. I remember laughing with you when I got in trouble for stacking fire trucks.

Flame - I remember when you were admin and I told you I had a mission to tranq all admins. Expected to get banned, turned out I gained a friend. Awesome guy! Don't go flaaammming all over the place. (Super good puns yo, feel burned) (LOL)

Afflack - Called on you for help during the FUMUKU war, chill guy. I still remember the quote "we're all gonna get banned for this".

Zap - You were the coolest admin ever that showed me the path of the Zap. Miss you to death I won't lie!

Leonidas - I haven't talked to you in years, whyd you get a life and die...

Private Toast - You're just a little floppy Danish pastry like Zap. I miss you to death! I still thank you for making my siggy like three years ago. Had a blast running around with you!

NitGrit - Oh man, I remember meeting you and your stories. You're a good bro. I remember playing DayZ with you until 4am and dying. What a wonderful game.

SlickDickRick - I still check in with you! You're a chill bro that I won't forget. I dunno wtf I even did with you besides holding conversations with you haha.

Jamie - Loved you to death man. I was heart broken when you were demoted. You were one of the few admins in the end that I really stuck with, especially when the idea of moderator came along. "We slaved and died for this tag! Give them FL:M or something not FL!!!"

Sweetbro - I can't forget yoU! What an interesting guy you were. Saved me from a ban since some guy forged sceenshots and you had a picture that showed where my keypad was. Thank you Sweetbro! You're a sweet bro 8)

Hypno - I had a blast with you back in the day. It was Hypno. The one and only. I forgot where Joe and I used to say what state you were from to torment you haha.

Obay - Don't remember you that perfectly, but I remember you being nice to me!

Smex - You were a pretty cool dude too.

General Rickets - I remember you stronger in my memory. You were an alright guy, but you gotta stay closer to friends! Some of em you throw away. Otherwise I liked you and still remember the work you did!

Shadow - I remember things back in the day with Coffee! I still remind you and you try to shut me up haha. Had a good run with you, sorry we had a splitting of the ways.

ZedsDead - You were a calm guy. I liked that about you in all honesty. I hope things are going well for you in life.

Doomdude1 - Awesome guy! I liked you a lot in and won't forget the battles you fought for the Agency. I still remember what you said and agree with you. Once you get to Super admin, what do you do. You're at the end of the line.

Aviator - A lot of people hated you, but I sure didn't. You were nice to me and thats what counts haha.

Termin - You died a long time ago, don't speak to you much, but thats alright. Hope all is well!

Kpred - Little upset when you left as soon as you got the official forum password, however prior I sure liked you a lot! Enzyme and I used to say how much potential you had.

Verzyn - Good Agent, missed you, but a group of you took off.

WeeCow - Some didn't like you, but you were a good agent when you stayed.

Narcotic - Felt a sting a little bit when you took off for SA, however I liked you a lot before!

Dwip - Omg You were a chill dude. Hope everything is doing well!

Freezak - I almost forgot you were an Agent, shame on me. I know you hold a hatred for me, but I can't really be bothered to hold one against you! 

Pavillion - Been a long time since I spoke to you. I can't remember whose voice yours reminded me off, anyways  hope everything is well!

Armless Gamer - I remember sucking you up and out of Umbrella Corp! Had a good run with you Armless.

Adman - Adman 2 me pls. You were a cool guy and I recall running around in Minecraft with you. That sure was a fun run.

Asuma - You like to change your name. Be loyal to your name! I recall running around with you back WAAAY back. Hope things are doing well for you Asuma. 

Smiles - Holy ****, I haven't heard your name in years. I remember building quite a few dupes with you and of course the trabant tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xTC224 - You may think you are forgotten, but I haven't. I know you had a lot going on in your life, but I hope its clearing up for you!

Faustie - We had a rough past together. I was pretty mad at you for some time for the blatant lies/heated moments we had. You blew me away with the apologie so I suppose thats the saving grace here! Hope all is well.

Pechvarry - Stop disappearing! You were a super cool guy I remember running around with.

Ruxandra - As much as people hated you, I could not. You helped me in quite a few ways and taught me a few things about Fearless! Thank you for that! Hope all is well.

Andreas - You were slimey man. Backstabbing staff members, but hey in the very beginning I thought you were alright.

Floodify - I liked you. You and I worked together quite a bit before SAA and Estleback had an alliance. It was a cool piece. Love you lots man.

Derstorm - You were a sweet guy! I remember wanting you on the admin team just because you were a friendly guy! I hope everything in going swell in life.

Penquin - You had a cool profile pic.

StillAlive I remember you being friendly to say the least.

Holdem - You were a pretty decent guy. I hope everything is going well for you Holdem!

Pilot - The biggest troll I've ever met. I still remember when in Terriaria you dumped Lava down our elevator saying "I thought it would be a good way to get down since I had no water" Still laughing hahah

Ruskin - I still remember you man. I hope you're better in life and I hope all the work you've done has payed off.

Avgar - You were a pretty nice guy. Sorry I couldn't be a better SA while I was here!

Infernaw - Surprised to see you back to quick, however welcome back! Edit: I remember seeing you in old SAA and I wish you all the best.

Wweee - I still think about you man! I hope life is treating you well. Miss you bro

Pear - Pretty cool guy as well, kinda wish I got to know you more!

Snowered Wolf - You were a pretty cool guy. Kinda wish I got to know you more too!

Jan - You were a pretty good lad even with our scuffles. Sorry I took off and didn't stand the good fight!

Tomo - Pretty friendly toward me, hopefully it stays that way!

Skummet - Never got to know you, good luck with your position!

Treegames - Sadly you took off before your app was processed. You seemed like a really friendly guy!

Wobbuffett - You were an applicant that I took time to speak too. My apologies for not being able to spend more time with you.

Blackdog - We had our ups and downs. I learned more and more, but we seem to be friendly now a days. Wish you the best blackdog!

Pred of War - You are a cool guy that I actually started chatting more when you left. I wish you all the best man.

Agorith - Yeah I remember you in the days of being a recruit! You were a fun lad, take care man.

Adam James - So long! I remember back in the early days playing with you. You were always nice to me so I hope everything goes will for you in life. 

Raptor - Someone I should of forgotten. I have you nicknamed Ford Dinosaur!!!! You're an awesome Lad, I hope everything is going well for you in your fancy lands.

Ludo - Wish you all the best Ludo. Good luck on your teacher position, we've been up and down, but I hope I can leave knowing we're friends!

TravisMiles - I never quite knew you, but it sounds like you were a nice guy. Maybe one day we'll cross paths!

Suarez - Seen you as a mod and thought you should of been promoted. Some didn't really like you, but I did. Hope everything works out for you.

Emerald Cheese - Sorry we couldn't spend more time together. Hopefully you lead a happy life.

Mintblackbeard - You seem like a nice feller. Maybe one day I'll know you more personally, however now I wish you the best in life.

JackChains - Wish you the best too man! Especially on your teacher position.

TheMJ - Never got to know you too well MJ, however I liked what I saw when I did. Best of luck to you in life. 

Dreebot - Bye Dreebot, I wish you all the best as well. 

Franku - You too seemed like a decent guy. I hope being a nice person paves off for you.

Brikaas - I remember coming into contact with you that one night as well. I plan to keep in touch! Good luck to you and everything you do.

Kippsee - Best of luck to you too Kippsee. I came across you quite a few times and you seemed like a good guy.

Bradley - Ran across you quite a few times! Especially with Hartree hanging around. Best of luck to you!

Hartree - You were always a kind fellow. We played a few games together here and there. I wish you all the best.

Legendary Fox - It has been quite some time, and I do apologize for my absence to you. I know we went up and down, but I still wish you all the best.

Spear - Good luck to you and your future spear!

Falcao - Bye and good luck to you.

Turtle - Goodbye and wish you the best.

Edned - I wish you all the best too Edned! I talked to you a few times and messed around with you on the test server, had a blast!

Ivan Tempski - You were always nice to me so I can't complain. I wish you all the best Ivan!

Mahti - I saw your name pop up. I love yah too. Don't you worry Mr.Mahti man. Ran around with you for some time, I miss Jam jam :c

Kalastja - I spelled your name horribly, but you still were my lovable AK killing man. Wish you all the best. 

Barkles - I always got you in Brynn confused haha. You seemed like a nice guy. I wish you all the best!!!

Truman - I played with you a long time ago. Miss you lots man, I hope everything is going well for you.

Mathias - Known you for quite some time! Talked to you a lot, talking about chicks n stuff. Wish you all the best man!

Zan - See you a few times bopping around, thank you for the kind words. Wish you all the best !

Ollie Decay - Yo I know your real name man! Hook me up with them chocolate bars! Mine mine mine.

Basse - You were a chill guy, dunno what happened to you. Hope everythings going well!

Flux - Omg flux. You thought you were forgotten, but I didn't! You were quite the cutie and still are haha. Wish you the best!

Doctor Internet - We were up and down, that is true. However I never actually hated you as some said. I wish you the best in your life as well.

Sebasti161 - Bye bye Sebasti D: We'll come across each other one day, until then I hope you enjoy everyday like its your last!

NjPerry50 - I do not know you either, but judging from your comment, Id say you seem very kind. I wish you the very best and I can promise you, even if you left, it'd matter to someone. 

Zecon - Yo man, you we're an awesome staff member too. I never really spoke to you, but always planned too! Haha Best of luck to you in your life man.

Vauld - Knew you for quite some time! Had our ups and downs, I won't lie, but somehow we managed to still laugh with each other. Wishing you best of luck with your KENTUCKY FRIED CHIIIICKKKEN. How is life living in a KFC ; o? Love you vauld 

Perqe - Hey man, man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I respect your kind words! Thank you and I wish you the best.

Jonas - I wish I gotten to known you as well. You seem like a kind-hearted soul. I wish you the best of luck in life even though I didn't get to meet you.

Nevi - You were a pretty good guy once I chatted with you a few times! Yeah we had a rough past with the whole Wwee thing, but I never really let that make an unfair judgment on you. 

DVN - We had our ups and downs. However, it is time to let that go as I part from Fearless. Good luck DVN, I wish you the best of luck in life and hope things only continue to improve for you.

Bowie - I don't quite know if I should be honored for that, but I am! I'm glad I got to share that moment with you and wish you all the best. I hope you never forget that moment and our paths cross again one day, you fantastic warrior.

Georgry - Maybe one day our paths will cross, but for now they will not cross on Fearless. (So I think anyways) I wish you the best of luck in life and thank you for the kind words on my resignation.

And I remember what you said Zap, when you step down you lose half your friends. So here it goes! So long everyone. I'll pop on the server once in awhile, but otherwise I don't plan to be around.

~ Grub
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
<3 Grob
The following 2 users Like GeorgeTheBoy's post:
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I will truly miss you Grub. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of the Agency and for being such a good friend! Good luck with your future endeavors.

Spoiler :

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Oh boy..
You will truly be missed within the community, Grub.
I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
The following 1 user Likes Rylund's post:
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Thanks for all your services to Fearless over the years. I have not done much with you nor played with you at all I think, but since I became staff, you have been very kind and helpful towards me and have answered all questions I have thrown at you! Good luck with everything in the future and goodbye Grub Smile
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]
The following 1 user Likes Tomo's post:
  • Grub
Its sad to see you go Grub. You have been a phenomenal influence on me, and a great many other individuals in the community. You stayed when all others left, and I have nothing but respect and admiration for all you have done. Likewise, It is an Honor serving under you in the S.A.A, and I am proud to call you one of my closest and dearest friends.

I will never forget you my favorite Maggot,

- Dark Shadowfall
The following 1 user Likes Dark Shadowfall's post:
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I will miss you, Grub. It was great serving in the agency by your side, even if it was for only a couple months. I will always cherish the time we spent playing together.

<3 ya grub
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I will miss you. You were the only one that made me cry Sad
The following 1 user Likes Wobbuffet's post:
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(01-16-2016, 02:45 AM)Grub Wrote: Ciryl - You'll always be a circle, too bad for you. I had my ups and downs with you, but still loved you all the same. I don't speak to you that much anymore, but just because we don't chat doesn't mean I don't think of you! Silly circle.

Ah Groob, I have always considered you great friend and yes we had our ups and downs but even through that I did not lower my opinion of you, we have had many great times in the past Cheese

I was highly touched by your words and I am deeply saddened by you leaving, I know you have had such a great loyalty to FL than anyone else I have seen!

I still have these life stories, the debating one is my fav:

Goodbye Groob!
Goodbye Hermit Crabs!
The following 3 users Like Ciryl's post:
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User has been warned for this post. Reason: Offensive post
User warned. This is a resignation thread. Respect it.

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