What these are farce
anyway !!
admin did not help me with something as simple
How much time I say I'm one help me
I say one help me
I'd say for Owner Helped me did not help!
i bought a donator
Nothing happens
I hope any admin Lead them For Owner
I Need Help !!!
The end
Thanks for watching Heart
Have you been on the server since you've donated? Did you make sure you put in the right person (Yourself)?
You should get the status within a few minutes of donating assuming you put in the right information.
Did you pay with paypal or with bank account?
I purchased twice and did not come anything
Bank account
Did you use your right Steam ID?
Look deep into this : http://prntscr.com/6xb0nf
Hmmmm, did you donate in your PC or something else?
Have you logged on with garrys mod since you donated?
[Image: FpROeEz.png]
Barkles is attempting to sleep : )
I think I found the problem, in the screenshot it shows your mailing address which is "saudi aribia, ryiadh".
You have to put your real City, street address and postal code.
But I'm not so sure.

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