(Un) Ban
Your name: General Weed | Philip

Your ban ID: 60216

Banned by: [FL] Rolorox

Reason: Multiple RDM, spawnkilling an officer. Final Chance done.

Involved: What are im gone write here?

Why we should unban you: Hello, Today somethink bad happand I got perma bannd... Why i Should be unbannd, Ye me and my friends was Playing like Russian mafia, and we had a weed farm RP. And we had a gate but you cude drive across it... So i sad to the Gun dealer to stop the car, But he was starting to drive after me to drive over me, and it was i shut them. And the spawn kiling was not me "i think i dont killd him" But evrie time he spawnd he was starting to shot os. Ye it was my last chanse but it was a time ago and after that 14th ban i was starting to RP and not minge, So come on, I love to play on this servers it is so fun.
Your last chance stands as issued. It doesn't just disappear after a certain amount of time, hence your permanent suspension.
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
I understand that whit "Last chance" But like i write up ther i had a reason To kill the gun dealer, 1 of them was, Me and my friends that was playing yesterday was dping a weed farm RP and we had a "Blocked area" whit a gate, so i get out to the road and to stop him but was just driving, nr 2 and he was traing to drive me over. And like i writed, im not that anymore, after that ban whit my "last chance" I was not minging in over maby 1-2 year and now this is coming and give me Perma ban.
So, why should i be perma bannd? I am not like that, I have change, i am not minging anymore so plz... This is the only game i playing that i really like much some plz?
You were spawn killing the officer, and massive amounts of failrp. It was your 15th ban, that is much more than most people get. I see nothing wrong with this and I see no reason you should be unbanned.

Provide proof that you did not break these rules or the ban will stand.
Did that stand in the log? not was i remember i was not spawn killing, I think it was ween after i killd him the first time i was at the bank and he comed back and tride to kill me, is that wrong to shoot back if he start ? First i was just gone to kill hin 1 but when he was shooting i need to protect me ?
And wat whit that fail RP what were i doing? Ye i have 15 bans... But like i write i have change people change.
I don't see why you should be given a new chance. You've received enough and you've proven that you cannot change.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
You and weed pulled up across from the road, weed pulled out a sniper to shoot the cop as he spawned. You equipped a TMP and ran around the other side to kill him since he was hiding behind a wall. He did not shoot first. Weed has been issued a punishment as well but unlike you he was not on his last chance. Again I fail to see any sufficient reason to life this ban.
Were did you get this ? Ye i stan in corner butiker i dident shoot him, and ofter a sec he comed from The corner and shoot med,  i Lost 40 HP i think and after that i runda to The bank to hide to dont die, and The i comed, bit The i alredy Holster my AWP and taket out a TMP, and Then he comed at The small road at The side and tride to shoot me , so I need to hide again to dont die so my friend comed and tride to shoot him, and after i Come back and Then hi was in The bank and Then we killd him.

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