Ban Request - Nuka and Dex
Name of player: Nuka and Dex

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:6148371 (Nuka) and STEAM_0:1:9000715 (im not sure if this is Dex steamID but i guess so)

Time in GMT: 18.15/18.20

Server: V2D

Summary: So i join the server, and i join the police force. Then i put my car in the road , went for a patrol. Then i was noticing a police car behind me , i didn't even though it was for me. Then we arrived at industrials, and that car hit me and 2 guys inside the car (Dex and Nuka) were talking in voice chat "get out of the car mo***fu***" i was like "wtf" , but whatever i left the car. when i left the car , both Dex and Nuka were pointing me guns, and were really offensive in voice chat (i love when they abuse voice chat just because you dont have logs of it).

I left the car like i said, but i left the car with my gun, did not have time to put it down and they were already saying "fearrp fearrp" i said "wait i just left the car lol".
This is not first time this 2 guys abuse when they are police. So i love this time i have proves to make the BR.
You got the screenshots, but after that they were talking around 3 or 4 minutes with me, then president told them to go back i guess, because they left the area. Then i went behind them to nexus, and guess what,  found Mr. Dex and Mr. Nuka ramming a random police car in the road ^^.

Well more  evidences for me.
Anyway, after the tunnel, they ram me again and said again pull over, i was stoped at red light.
Again the offend me alot in "voice chat" and ask for my demote".

I will give you the screenshots, you have the time. Hope its enough.

Open this link it will lead you to 7 screenshots.
Uploading a video which shows me at the scene of where the player in question had been driving like an idiot. It shows him receiving his first warning and then receiving his second, resulting in his demotion. May I quote "The president and his staff must obey the laws themselves". The player in question was found breaching this and was given enough warnings.
Nice try. Where is the videos where you offend me? Where is the videos on the indrustrial part? Oh yea that you don't show. Where is the video you ramming other guy police car in tunnel? Oh yea that you dont show. You just show me stoped at red signal likes shows the screenshots and you ram me too. Admins are not dumb. Nice try Dex.

One more thing, i will only answer in this thread if admin solicitates.
I don't know what you're trying to say here, I don't record all of my game play, I saw you speeding again and decided to turn my fraps on in order to explain the situation. The videos where I offended you? I didn't offend you at all, we RP'd the situation out henceforth why you received the warning so don't lie. The video of me ramming? I didn't ram at all, Nuka used the front part of his car to shift another officers car off the road after being asked, he has a grill on the front of his police car which allows him to do this.
Also, I decided to actually read the BR. We didn't call you a "mother f*cker" at any point, we told you to get out the car and had USP's equipped so you wouldn't evade us further, you got out the car unarmed and put a USP on us at which point Nuka pointed out in LOOC that it was a breach of Fear RP. We then RP'd the situation out which resulted in you receiving a formal warning via radio from the president informing you that if you did this again, you'd be demoted which is shown in my video. We were then driving back to the Nexus at which point we noticed you speeding and driving like an idiot again at which point we stopped you...again.
And in regards to what I said in OOC I didn't breach any rules, you're allowed to swear so long as you're not using it towards anyone in a way which is used to offend them, I was using it to emphasize my point and I didn't insult you either, I said you were driving like a plonker. You can clearly see Nuka saying in LOOC on your screenshot "This is actually good RP". We were RPing the situation out however you seemed adamant to do otherwise and post a BR thus preventing the role play from occurring.
My screenshots show more then the end (your video in front of BP).

Lie? Well you don't show the proves. And you call me liar? And you have excuses for ramming cars? Oh this is great.

Waiting for an admin.
Your screenshots show nothing, they show us 3 speaking and us 2 having guns out at industrial and then speaking again outside BP, no ramming is shown, just a car beside another car. They show nothing of me insulting you via voice chat and incorrectly RPing the situation out. I don't know what you're trying to achieve from this BR, we didn't infringe any rules...
Also as you can hear in the video, I'm evidently calm. Surely I'd be in a bit of a different mood if I was abusing you via voice chat and saying "get out the car motherf*ck*er" I'm not Sgt Doakes.
[Image: dxd99t.jpg]
to put some light heartedness on the situation and show how unrealistic it is...

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