Unblackist Request
Your name: Jacob Turner

Your blacklist ID: 44780

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43788028

Reason: Mass CDM

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] General Rickets

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: I have been a member of Fearless for years without breaking a single rule or getting banned EVER. I do not think this ban was just. I know the rules, and although I did CDM, it was not intentional. The admin and his friends were blocking the road with cars and were not permitting people to go by. I left for a bit, 5 minutes or so, and drove around the city. Came back, and they were still blocking it. I got fed up, and I tried to squeeze by the little opening that there was in the road. They backed into my car as I was squeezing by and they got killed. I did not intentionally kill people with my car. I know it's against the rules and I feel that the ban was unjust. Please take this into consideration when reading this.
So there was a pile up of vehicles due to a crash. There was both police and civilian vehicles there. You I qoute "couldnt be bothered to wait" so you tried to "squeeze past" resulting in around 4 CDM's.

To be correct. I said 5 times, and even in this post, that I drove around the city for a good five minutes before attempting to get through.
Still doesn't give you the right to plow through police and citizens.

I didn't say it did. I made a mistake. But I think it's on part your fault as well for standing in the road for so long AND walking back into my car. One mistake shouldn't be a permanent blacklist ban. Especially when it was an accident.. like you guys backed up after being still for so long..
We were in a role play situation p. It doesn't matter wether we were there or not you plowed straight through and sped off.

You were blocking the road for such a long period of time. There isn't any point that you can move ever so slightly so that you aren't completely blocking it, and why would you back right into my car?

Can I get another staff member's opinion over this? I feel like you're upset because it happened to you.
I turned up just as you plowed through I was jot there for very long before you rammed through the pile up of vehicles.

I object. I can assure that you had been there for the 5 minutes that I drove around the other way. It's completely unfair that players are allowed to block the roads.
Object all you want I was not there for five minutes, I drove there seen the blockage got out to see what was going on. I got out and got mowed down by you.

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