A Long Break / Leaving.
I've been thinking for a while on whether i should stay or not, the reason is i suffer a lot from rule-breakers and minges, and a lot of the time they do get away with it. On some occasions admins are on, i call them, they deal with them, end of. On some occaions, admins have tped to me and then tped away to carry on roleplaying. A few weeks ago, i called a admin because a Gun Dealer was mugging me. A admin tped to me, saw him mugging me. He then tped away seconds after tping to me. I couldn't get proof as the gun dealer was asking for money in mic and my fraps is broken. To be honest i am just sick of minges/trolls just ruining my roleplay experience. It has been fun since i returned (some of the time) but yet again i have been disappointed by the community in general. Not saying the community is a bunch of mean people. But a small majority is and that small majority ruins it for me. This is my third time leaving and for the same reason. When i returned to FLRP 3 weeks ago i thought it would be different, seems i was wrong. So, thanks to all the people who ACTUALLY roleplayed decently with me and thanks to the staff who actually come on the server and help out the ones in need. My sister may come on from time to time but i won't anymore.

Good Bye Fearless
Poseidon Corporation - Director of Government Relations
LGBTQR+ Society - Founding Director

"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." 
-Oprah Winfrey

Lel, bye. Have fun.
[Image: XiLkxQo.jpg]
Goodbye and good luck with whatever you're going to do!
Goodbye and good luck with your future.
Kind Regards,
See you
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
Goodbye sir!

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Bye Man!

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