Admin Abuse - [FL] Floodify
I was about to remove your blacklist when you got afk kicked I believe - thanks to Rock who told me the situation. Again, it doesn't matter, because I never knew if you had any other inhabitants in your base and you might off well had had it like that all the time, even before you went AFK. Rules apply at all times and it's your responbility to follow them. You blocked of an area and you relied on someone else, so you had the responsiblity to make sure that all the doors were owned. I don't understand why you keep discussing this when I have explained to you about how you are yet to follow the rules even if AFK and that I revoked the blacklist when The Rock told me about how he had left it but he had once owned it (so it was a valid to block the area off).
Kind Regards,
You are still using the same logic, you were punishing me for something that i had no control over, its the same logic as the analogy i put in my previous reply.

But you didn't look into the situation before you acted, you just decided to BL me without even asking other inhabitants of the base the situation.

Like i have said time and time again, while i was active i ensured the base was kept to regulations, being afk is beyond my control and i cannot be blamed for someone elses actions.

All of that aside, we are still left with the threats, invis props and floating props - All of which are infractions of the rules. All of which you have not gave a sufficient explanation for.

Just a note, this would have been solved at the moment when i sent the @ call in if you just held your hands up and said you made a mistake, but instead you got aggresive with me via pm and sent messages perceived as threats.
wannabe skid
[Image: J8Wdw2Z.gif]
Okay, let me make it clear again:

-It wasn't a threat, I was saying to you that if you are going to act defensive to me then I'll act back like that

-Invisible Props and Floating Props, it wasn't a prop, it was a tool for aesthetic purpose. It was later disabled and it become a left-over from my old dupe versions.

-I didn't see any other inhabitants and you didn't answer, so I judged the situation from there. AFK OR NOT- YOU'RE STILL RESPONSIBLY TO FOLLOW RULES. If you're afk and afraid of breaking the rules, the go off. Because you're still in the gameplay and you are to follow the rules. You blocked off the area, whether the doors are owned or not, it's your responsiblity. Richtea, you must agree, I can't ask know who was involved in your base and who wasn't. But in the end of it, you are still responsible to ensure all the doors are owned - afk or not.
Kind Regards,
Let me go over this... again.

The messages you sent like "Wait and see what happens" and "If that's how you want this to go down" Are threatening.

Cameras are tools, they are not allowed to float, nor be invisible. So why would your tool be different?

The logic you are using for this point is illogical, i have pointed this out time and time again, you are holding me accountable for another players action while i was afk and unaware. You would not punish somebody for not following FearRP if they are AFK and have a weapon pointed at them, this is the same theory.
wannabe skid
[Image: J8Wdw2Z.gif]
There is no rules directly stating you cant have invisible props
we tend to enforce a similar rule for other reasons, like using invisibility to gain advantages, eg invisible cameras
since that is just a light next to a light post, i see no issues
I was holding you accountable for blocking off an area without you or anyone else owning all the doors. You must own all the doors to be able to block off an area - I'm done with this point.

When you asked "Is this a threat?" I replied "Do you define being defensive a threat?". It was misleading and it could be interpreted as a threat, but I was meaning that I'd have the same attitude towards you like you have towards me, not as threat for any specific attacks or whatever.

An aesthetic thing such a lamp, that was not even in effect may I add, can't really be compared to a camera that is used to gather information IC. The lamp was ooc.
Kind Regards,
Ok since i was envolved in some way i was the guy who owned the restant doors , and Lionel went afk while i still was a rebel and after 10 minutes people start leaving rebel , i tryed to contact lionel and i saw he was Afk , so i was quit bored and i sold my doors and leave the rebel class , he didnt had any fault , nether anyone had , as admin , dunno if he contact him or just blacklist him , after floody blacklist lionel i pm floody saying that "i owned the others doors and i sold them couple minutes ago , lionel is afk" and then floody just removed the blacklist , but should be removed from is perma bans record since he wasnt even on game , and theres no rules saying anything about when u go afk.

Cheers Wink
I'm sick of explaining to you that i cannot be held accountable for the actions of others, i made sure before i went afk that my base was within the rules. It was - Beyond that i cannot be blamed due to the fact that i was not there.

Also when i you sent the message, i asked you to expand on what you meant, you replied with wait and see. Implying that you would do something that would directly affect me - Threat.

If you are going to use a lamp OOC go to the OOC server, you know the server that is dedicated for building? Also when i pointed out that the lamp was floating away from the post, you attempted to hide it.
wannabe skid
[Image: J8Wdw2Z.gif]
rock Wrote:snip
I forgot to remove it from the record as that is a new feature, before we revoked them in game and we couldn't remove it from the record. But I don't see how going AFK justifies not following rules really, you're responsible to follow rules at all times.

Again, you may of interpreted it as a threat, but I've kept saying I said it was a response to your attidute towards me. I even asked if you defined being defensive a threat, explaining that I was going to be defensive even.

I've explained the light and when you called in @ I came and removed it as it was not needed anymore and because it was visible (which it was not intended for).
Kind Regards,
It justifies it as I am not the one at fault, i was fully abiding by them until somebody else, not me, sold the doors. Please just read that sentience slowly to yourself and think "How is this richtea's fault". The answer to that question is that i am not at fault. Therefore why would i be punsihed.
wannabe skid
[Image: J8Wdw2Z.gif]

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