[Unofficial] Blackwatch Corporation & Gentek
Hello. I decided it was maybe time for me to apply to join a clan. So, here is my application!

OOC Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Jocelyne
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42622727
VAC Banned: No
Bans on record: (Don't lie we will check.) 0 bans, 1 pte blacklist
Real Age: 16
Hours: 81
Character Backstory: (At least 1 paragraph.)
Barry Chuckle, along with his brother Paul, moved to EvoCity from Rotherham, UK in 2014. Originally two comedians, they moved so they could have a fresh start and lead a more adventurous and action-packed life. However, the pair got split up when there was a mistake at immigration, and border control believed Paul's passport to be a fake. A few weeks later though, Paul was reunited with Barry in EvoCity.

The pair now work together, often in the police force, sometimes as chefs. Barry is a lot more experienced in EvoCity and feels more comfortable doing bolder things than Paul, as he has spent a significantly larger time there. So Barry plucked up the courage to join a clan so that he could continue to live an action-packed life and help defend people from danger.
RP Points: (If any.) 0
Previous Roleplays taken part in: Not too sure.
Previous clans: 0
Please define PASSIVE roleplay in your own words: Passive RP is putting yourself in someone else's shoes and living their life in the most realistic way possible. It's not aggressive like a war zone - it's like daily life. Sure, there's violence here and there, but never really outside your home. You simply act as you would in real life.

IC Information

Name: Barry Chuckle
Age: 26 (soon 27)
Weight: 65 kg
Height: 5ft 9in
Address: Puckle Chuddings, South Rectory Street, EvoCity
How long have you been in EvoCity: 4 weeks
Preferred Department: Divisional Management or Control (I'm a very organised person, so put me in what you think is best).
How did you hear about us: I have seen many people in EvoCity who talk about their membership in the clan 'Blackwatch'. I searched in up on the internet and found this recruitment page.
Reason for wanting to join: (At least one paragraph.) I want a more exciting life where I can aid other people. I wish to protect citizens from any harm that may possibly face them, so joining this PMO gives me a good opportunity to serve and protect the good people of this city.
Benefits you could bring to Blackwatch: Organisation, mainly. If everything is planned, managed and fulfilled in a organised way, then operations will run much more smoothly. Also, dedication. I am dedicated to anything I set my heart on, which in this case is Blackwatch. I will strive to undertake orders quickly and to the best of my ability.
Motives for wanting to join initially: A more action-packed life, the want to protect civilians.
Ex-military: (Yes or No, if yes state what corp or batallion and in what army.) Yes. I joined the military reservists in the UK, but I absconded when I was 22, causing legal repercussions.

Disclaimer: Whilst on duty you could be seriously injured and/or killed, you must accept full responsibility for your actions and the lives of other members in your squad. Also, any items you lost during battle may not be refunded and you are required to donate some things to the cause. If you break any rules during your time here you will be exiled and not be allowed to rejoin. We will not take responsibility for you actions outside of the clan, and will not have you slander Blackwatch as a clan. We will store your name, SteamID and age on the BlackNET database but that will not be given to third-parties and will be purely for the use of Blackwatch Higher Command. Whilst off duty, we will not be held responsible for your actions by signing the document below you agree to our terms and conditions.

Signed: Barry Chuckle

Please contact one of the Generals over Steam or IG for further information on your recruitment
Log - #10392
Source: The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Title: Blackwatch Corporation

Blackwatch Corporation are very dangerous war criminals, they have been testing on innocent civilians and using their firepower to eliminate any competition. I recommend military action immediately.

Log - #11024
Source: The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Title: RE: Blackwatch Corporation

I have reviewed the case and have asked for military support, they are currently operating a small research facility in Evocity. There have been many reports of them testing something called "Blacklight" on their victims then disposing of them in the nearby lake, could you confirm?

Log - #11024
Source: The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Title: RE: RE: Blackwatch Corporation

Bodies in the lake confirmed, the body count is thought to be around fifty the corpses have been rotting there so long that we cannot ID them. Besides three coffins which have been ID'd.

The autopsy report includes:

One - Howard Styx
One - Michael Styx
One - Charlie Sheen

All three of the men had ties to the corporation, Michael and Howard were both previous Blackwatch Generals. I checked the police reports and there was nothing logged of their death.

Log - #32142
Source: The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Title: RE: RE: RE: Blackwatch Corporation

Military support has been denied, however the local law enforcement are looking into the situation as we speak.

The reports so far have shown:-

Various samples of Blacklight all over their complex.
Plans to create super-soldiers using the virus under codename ORION.
Thermobaric rocket plans linked to codename ORION.
Plans for Blackwatch Networks, which is confirmed to be up but un-hackable the security is locked down too tight.

Later that day, the FBI agents working on the case rallied a few agents to raid the Blackwatch Complex and obtain anything that could be used as a weapon. The search turned up all the things in the report above including a document wrote by General Alexander Styx, the document can be found below

Dear whomever it may concern,

The FBI have been poking their noses into our operations, it's only a matter of time before the Ministry of Peace and the military take action. Last time this happened, we were convicted of war crimes, but fortunately our lawyers managed to get us out of that situation. A couple months down the line we continued to work on Redlight, creating a virus that could be used to change a person completely and give them amazing new abilities. However, I know that they are coming for us and pretty damn soon we're all going to jail.

This does not concern me, I've survived in prison before I'll do it again. Until then, I guess I should retake my post back in NYZ and meet up with the original Blackwatch Corporation. We are not bothered by local law enforcement there, and the large amounts of infected almost become a day to day thing. So, I leave this here to say thank you to the agents who are no doubt dead or in prison right now.

Log - #32142
Source: The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Title: RE: RE: RE: Blackwatch Corporation

Reports confirmed, Alexander Styx is nowhere to be found, nor are his associates. I guess they all fled the city, we'll find them though...


Blackwatch is hereby closed, an admin will be by shortly to close the thread. I can only thank you guys for the experience you have provided and the loyalty that you have shown through thick and thin.

All good clans die down eventually, ours however died a bit to soon due to me working. I MAY start this back up in the near future when I have a lot of free time, until then cheerio and thanks for reading!
Clan closed.

If you would ever like to reopen this clan please contact an administrator and we can do so for you.

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