Cannot connect to Steam
When I came home from school today I had a weird problem. Steam isn't able to connect, causing me to be stuck in offline mode. What I noticed as well was that I couldn't connect to or in my actual browser.
I did already try:
  • Restarting computer
  • "Go Online" in Steam
  • Restarting Steam
  • Restarting router
Suggestions anyone?
Re-install Steam.. might work.

I had the same problem today, only for a short time. I just restarted Steam and it worked again. See if you have blocked the internet access to Steam.

Good luck, hope it solves soon.
Kind Regards,
(08-15-2013, 02:07 PM)myfloodify Wrote: Re-install Steam.. might work.

I had the same problem today, only for a short time. I just restarted Steam and it worked again. See if you have blocked the internet access to Steam.

Good luck, hope it solves soon.

As I am not able connect directly from my browser, I suppose it isn't a problem with the actual Steam application. Thanks for the suggestion, though. I hope someone else got a possible solution.
Opps, read to fast. Sorry..

It might just be that the Steam server is down in your country/continent. Happens to me sometimes. Just wait and if it's still the same in about like 2 days call your internet provider.
Kind Regards,
Update for people with similar problems:
Telia (A Scandinavian ISP, available both in Denmark, Sweden and Norway) seems to cause the problem. I'll let y'all know with everything I find out.

Talked to the danish Telia, in disguise of Stofa. Guys said they got some problems connecting to Steam services, and that it will be fixed today. They couldn't give any precise time. Problem is apparently caused by their provider/partner or whatever, Level3.

Edit 2:
Problem seems to be fixed now. Please, people with Stofa/Telia: report whether you can connect.

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