[v2p] Lack of Administration
Hello everyone.
First of all, I'd apologies if this isn't the right section, but I've found it the 'right' one.

So, here we are. The v2p's server became the most mingy server I've ever seen: people CDMing, RDMing, prop-spamming/killing/blocking everywhere. Just this morning I've been CDMed 5 times, randomly raided twice, RDMed once, and I'm really tired of posting 4-5 BRs in only 1 day.
This is because there is a lack of administration in the server, and many other people have been complaining about that in OOC, just check the logs of today and about 3-4 people have been complaining.

So the possible resolutions are 2:
1. Asking the current Administrators/Moderators to be a little bit more active;
2. Hiring a couple of new Moderators.

I hope this will be solved as soon as possible, since the server has become almost unplayable.

Here are the possible resolutions for you:
1) Collect evidence and post ban requests (Staff cannot be online 24/7)
2) Use the search function and see millions of these threads have already been made addressing this topic, you may find some more answers on this matter as well
I'll just toss some quotes rather than giving you the same reply I give every time someone doesn't use the search function:

Adman Wrote:Suggestion declined - administrative protocol is to be determined in house via staff discussions. Your view however is noted, please PM me the timezone in which you play.

As administrators, we are as active as we can be. I can tell you that I am currently in a stage of 'inactivity' because my end of secondary education exams are coming up and my time has to be devoted to studying and revision, leaving me no time to visit the servers and have fun let alone administrate; unfortunately.

I cannot speak for others in terms of activity, I haven't been on the servers, but I can certainly tell you we all put in 100% when we can. It may also be a problem of timezones, certain times will suffer from less administration and whilst we try our best to rectify that (Recent promotions of several U.S admins which was previously a distraught timezone) sometimes it can be hard.

Regardless of revision, if there are major rulebreaks occurring and I am on-line, hit me up through steam and I'll come on and serve some justice. I simply cannot perform lengthy administrative stretches for a little while.

(05-03-2013, 10:44 AM)Killjoy Wrote: Decent staff is hard to find, that's why we don't have the resources to man 3 servers 24/7.
In other words... I CAN HAS ADMIN? :3
Feel free to add me on Steam and contact me if it's extra mingy. I can see what I can do.. But Moderators and Admins aren't perfect. We have a social life on our own, and we might even want to RP once in a while (belive it or not).

I used to make a ton of Banrequests when I wasn't a moderator, and this helped keeping the server a tiny bit less mingy.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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