[Upcoming]Evocity v33x Marathon 2016
(been done on 2d but not 33x)


You will start at connectivity road,make your way down to downtown motors around past little village through corleone tunnel unto waterfront down to nightingale into the city round the back street apartments then down to burger king.


1st place - 10,000
2nd place - 1xm shotguns
3rd place: 1,000

Commpetitors: (0/***)
Referees: (0/4)

Traffic Police: (1/4):[FL:RP]the best gamer ever

Doctors: (0/2)

Applications form:
OOC Info:

Steam Name:
Steam ID:
IC Info:
Hours on FL:
RPP Count:
Ingame Name:
What job you want:

Event rules:
Cars/bikes/any vehicle related is not allowed and will result in a minuet penalty.
Steroids are not allowed,the traffic police or referees may catch resulting in you getting D/Q
No weapons,You will have to be searched by our traffic police before you enter. If you have a weapon you will be arrested and D/Q.
If you need a doctor you will be charged 2000
If you feel you can't finish the marathon run to the nearest ref or traffic police and tell the and you will be DNF
Do not take short cuts,if you do you will be given a 5min penalty

Event will be happening on Evocity v33x at time 6.00pm 10th may 2016 (this may change)

Good luck!!!!
[Image: 1717-E37-A-98-BA-4-EEF-B9-B5-9800-D3-B90-A00.jpg]

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[Upcoming]Evocity v33x Marathon 2016 - by Vimpto - 04-25-2016, 09:22 PM

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