un blacklist from cars
Your name:bobby dylan

Your blacklist ID: 

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:78036915

Reason:BRA (61663) - Mass CDM

Staff member who blacklistd you
FORUM [FL] BlackOut

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:i feel that i should be un black listed due to this was beacause my brother was playing when i was away and i feel that after all this time i am getting punished with a almost 8 houre ban on cars i am sorry that he caused this trouble and i wll be sure that he will not cause this again i wouldn't mind if it as a hour i would think fair enough but after almost a year i cannot use a car for 8 hours of play time it is really harsh and un needed especially since he has moved out and dosent use my pc anymore i am so sorry for his actions

Messages In This Thread
un blacklist from cars - by michaelmike - 10-10-2015, 05:39 PM
RE: un blacklist from cars - by NightHawkd - 10-13-2015, 04:04 AM

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