[Unofficial] The Helghan Third Army
Name: Kyle "Retro" Fraser
Date of Birth: January 5th, 1986
What use are you for Helghan?: I am a skilled marksman which would come of use to defend/raid. I am fully capable of following orders as soon as any are given.

Steam name: [P:A] [FL:RP] Kyle Fraser
Hours: 1030 Hours
Points: 14
Bans/Blacklist: 8 Bans 9 Blacklists
Why do you wish to join?: I have always wanted to be in a clan that is good at RPing and I was taken into your base once and I saw it was full of great RPers which inspired me to place an application. I would love to join in on these RP's and roleplay
Do you wish to join Development or Third Army?: Third Army
[Image: ayB2o2k.png]
                                                                     Thanks Bambo for the signature!

Messages In This Thread
[Unofficial] The Helghan Third Army - by Preditor - 07-15-2015, 09:50 PM
RE: [Unofficial] The Helghan Third Army - by Lizard - 07-29-2015, 08:28 PM

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