[Unofficial] Caltagirone Family
[Image: Caltagirone-Stemma.png]

The Caltagirone are the ruling Cosa Nostra Family in Caltagirone, a town in the province of Catania, on the island and region of Sicily. The city has been long famous for the production of pottery and the violence of its organised crime. The city was almost completely destroyed by the earthquake of 1693. Many public and private buildings had to be reconstructed. It was in this reconstruction that the first Don of Caltagirone, Silvio Caltagirone, made his fortune using his extended family to fill Government construction contracts. The family coheres to strict code of Omertà a code of silence and secrecy that forbids members and associates  from betraying their comrades to the authorities. The penalty for transgression is death, and relatives of a turncoat may also be murdered. Membership in Caltagirone Family is open only to Sicilian men. A candidate cannot be a relative or have any close links with a lawman, such as a policeman or a judge. There is no strict age limit: boys as young as sixteen can be initiated. A prospective member is carefully tested for obedience, discretion, courage, ruthlessness and skill at espionage. He is almost always required to commit murder as his ultimate trial, even if he doesn't plan to be a career assassin. The act of murder is to prove his sincerity (i.e. he is not an undercover policeman) and to bind him into silence (i.e. he cannot break omertà without facing murder charges himself). A member's legitimate occupation, if any, generally does not affect his prestige within Cosa Nostra. Many members are employed in menial jobs. Professionals such as lawyers and doctors do exist within the organization, and are employed according to whatever useful skills they have.

Introductions in the family

There is always a risk that outsiders and undercover policemen might masquerade as a member to infiltrate the organization. To ensure this does not happen, a mafioso must never introduce himself to another member he does not personally know, even if he knows the other through reputation. If he wants to establish a relationship, he must ask a third member whom they both personally know to introduce them to each other in a face-to-face meeting. This intermediary can vouch that neither of the two is an impostor. This tradition is upheld very scrupulously, often to the detriment of efficient operation. Were the Caltagirone Family a legal organization, a simple phone call or signed certificate could settle the matter quickly and easily.

Cosa Nostra Structure

[Image: 580px-Mafia_family_structure_tree.en.svg.png]

The Don of the Family is  elected by the rank-and-file soldiers (though violent successions do happen). Due to the small size of  Sicilian clans, the Don of the Family has intimate contact with all members, and doesn't receive much in the way of privileges or rewards as he would in larger organizations (such as the larger Five Families of New York). His tenure is also frequently short: elections are bi-yearly, and he might be deposed sooner for misconduct or incompetence.

The consigliere ("counselor") of the clan is picked by the Don on a monthly basis. One of his jobs is to supervise the actions of the Don and his immediate underlings, particularly in financial matters. He also serves as an impartial adviser to the Don and mediator in internal disputes. To fulfill this role, the consigliere must be impartial, devoid of conflict of interest and ambition.

The underboss is appointed by the Don. He is the boss' most trusted right-hand man and second-in-command. If the boss is killed or imprisoned, he takes over as leader.

Each capo is in charge of a mini-gang or a crew of soldiers and associates that can range greatly in size. These men may or may not be based in close proximity. A capo with an active crew that generates a lot of profits is always respected.

A soldato is the first level of the Sicilian Mafia. The promotion to the rank of soldier is an elevation in the chain of command from the associate level. The associate must prove himself to the family and take the oath of Omertà. Picciotto is often used to refer to a lower-level mafioso, but it usually indicates a younger, inexperienced soldato—one who is not necessarily a made man. "Picciotti" usually perform simple tasks such as beatings.

Associates are unofficial members of the Family, who often work in the family rackets, or carry out oddjobs for family members, in the hopes of being 'made' into a family soldato. An associate is not a member of the Cosa Nostra, and an associate's role is more similar to that of an errand boy. They are usually a go-between or they are people the family does business with (restaurant owners, etc.). In other cases, an associate might be a corrupt labor union delegate or businessman. Non-Sicilians will never go any further than this.

Ten Commandments

- No one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it.

- Never look at the wives of friends.

- Never be seen with Police.

- Don't go to pubs and clubs.

- Always being available for The Family is a duty - even if your wife is about to give birth.

- Appointments must absolutely be respected. (probably refers to formal rank and authority.)

- Wives must be treated with respect.

- When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth.

- Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other families.

- People who can't be part of The Family: anyone who has a close relative in the police, anyone with a two-timing relative in the family, anyone who behaves badly and doesn't hold to moral values.

Another rule although not in the commandments is one of respect. All members shall respect each other at all times regardless of their rank or position. Therefore members of equal status call each other "compare", while inferiors call their superiors "padrino". "Padrino" is the Italian term for "godfather".

The family's Reputation

The family's power comes from its reputation to commit violence, particularly murder, against virtually anyone. Through reputation, the family deters our enemies and enemies of our clients. It allows us to protect a client without being physically present (e.g. as bodyguards or watchmen), which in turn allows them to protect many clients at once.Compared to other occupations, reputation is especially valuable to our family, as our primary product is protection through intimidation. The reputation of a family is dichotomous: they are either a good protector or a bad one; there is no mediocrity. This is because a family can only either succeed at an act of violence or fail utterly. There is no spectrum of quality when it comes to violent protection. Consequently,we take our reputation very seriously.

The more fearsome our family's reputation is, the more we can win disputes without having recourse to violence. It can even happen that a family who lose their means to commit violence (e.g. their soldiers are all in prison) can still use their reputation to intimidate and provide protection if everyone is unaware of it’s weakness and still believes in its power. However, in the tough world of the Mafia, such bluffs generally do not last long, as our rivals will soon sense his weakness and challenge us.


Protection rackets↴
Protection from theft,
Protection from competition.

Vote buying
Politicians court the Cosa Nostra to obtain votes during elections. A Family's mere endorsement of a certain candidate can be enough for his clients, relatives and associates to vote for said candidate. A particularly influential Family can bring in thousands of votes for a candidate; such is the respect a mafioso can command.

Members provide protection and invest capital in smuggling gangs. Smuggling operations require large investments (goods, boats, crews, etc.) but few people would trust their money to criminal gangs. It is our family who raise the necessary money from investors and ensure all parties act in good faith. They also ensure that the smugglers operate in safety.

Bid rigging
The Sicilian Mafia in Italy is believed to have a turnover of €6.5 billion through control of public and private contracts. Our Family uses threats of violence and vandalism to muscle out competitors and win contracts for the companies we control. We rarely manage the businesses We control ourselves, but take a cut of their profits, usually through payoffs.

Loan sharking
In a 2007 publication, the Italian small-business association Confesercenti reported that about 25.2 percent of Sicilian businesses were indebted to loan sharks, who collected around €1.4 billion a year in payments. This figure has risen during the late-2000s recession, as tighter lending by banks forces the desperate to borrow from the Mafia.

Murders are almost always carried out by members. It is very rare for the our family to recruit an outsider for a single job, and such people are liable to be eliminated soon afterwards because they become expendable liabilities. Violence is most commonly directed at other families competing for territory and business.


Forbidden crimes↴
dealing in drugs.


Client relations

Members approach potential clients in an aggressive but friendly manner, like a door-to-door salesman. They may even offer a few free favors as enticement. If a client rejects their overtures, members sometimes coerce them by vandalizing their property or other forms of harassment. Physical assault is rare; clients may be murdered for breaching agreements or talking to the police, but not for simply refusing protection. In most situations, we prefer to establish an indefinite long-term bond with a client, rather than make one-off contracts. The Don can then publicly declare the client to be under his permanent protection (his "friend", in Sicilian parlance). This leaves little public confusion as to who is and isn't protected, so thieves and other predators will be deterred from attacking a protected client and prey only on the unprotected. Mafiosi generally do not involve themselves in the management of the businesses they protect or arbitrate. Lack of competence is a common reason, but mostly it is to divest themselves of any interests that may conflict with their roles as protectors and arbitrators. This makes them more trusted by their clients, who need not fear their businesses being taken over.

Caltagirone Businesses

- The Caltagirone Shipping Company

Spoiler :
Images coming soon!

- Caltagirone Imports

- The Caltagirone Pawn Store

Spoiler :
Images coming soon!

The family:

Don Caltagirone:
Headhunter - Michael 'Instinct' Caltagirone



Caporegime Uno:

Caporegime Due:

Soldato Gruppo Uno:

Soldato Gruppo Due:

Family Associates:

Please apply only if you're serious about roleplaying, the clan and to keep up to standards. Lying in your application accidental or not will lead to a blacklist from the clan, so please double check everything you write down.

[b]OOC Information[/b]

Your name:
Steam ID:
Roleplay Points:

[b]IC Information[/b]

Autobiography:[i]This must be detailed and written with clear English to show you can communicate effectively.[/i]

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

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Messages In This Thread
[Unofficial] Caltagirone Family - by D0ctor - 06-13-2015, 06:48 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Caltagirone Family - by D0ctor - 06-13-2015, 06:49 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Caltagirone Family - by D0ctor - 06-13-2015, 06:50 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Caltagirone Family - by DVN - 06-13-2015, 07:09 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Caltagirone Family - by Barkles - 06-14-2015, 03:23 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Caltagirone Family - by Rylund - 01-10-2016, 10:14 AM

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