Unblacklist request (Removal from record)
Your name:
Your blacklist ID:
Steam ID:
"multiple fading doors in a row, not an excuse if others do it"
Staff member who blacklisted you:
Reason why you should be unblacklisted:
So, this blacklist occurred in around my 11th hour. The first time I got president. I'd spawned in and quickly got some defences down, with aid of some experienced players telling me the design was OK. The design consisted of 3 fading doors in a row with 1 normal block between. It looked like this as a top down view with the players view shown as they view it face on;

Spoiler: Defences

Now, the rule in question I take to be Rule 1 of door rules 
(Do not build more than 2 custom doors which are not public in a row. Your friend's doors are counted as well.)
I also take this to be a mix up by Eisenhorn or an unclear ruling that should be clarified. all 3 fading doors were activated by a singular keypad, so as for easier access and such. The doors were in a row on the X axis not Z (meaning not going backward). I built this defence while reading the rules, and didn't see it, and still don't, breaking any rules; as why I built it. I don't feel this is in breach of any rules so don't find that it should remain on my record, which otherwise is majorly minor silly offences.
I messaged Raptor on the matter who informed me to make a Black list appeal.

Messages In This Thread
Unblacklist request (Removal from record) - by James_Gaff - 05-04-2015, 08:00 PM

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