[CLOSED]EC SR (Evo-City Soviet Republic) *RECRUITING*

[Image: lPGTKtd.png]
The EvoCity Soviet Republic is an organized group of rebels dedicated to creating a Soviet state in EvoCity by forcefully taking the government, by declaring independence in proletariat dominated areas (industrial and its surrounding areas), or simply grabbing power when available. They are ruthless and known to use excessive force to defend their land and freedom (anything they define as a breach of their freedom includes: Police entry into ECSR controlled territory, the banning of ECSR citizens from entering the main city.
[Image: rxlFxmF.png]
The ECSR was founded in 1919 during the initial waves of revolution in Europe, at this time it was extremely successful in conquering the land of EvoCity. At its height it controlled the industrial area, UM and the road between industrial and connecting roads. However the fascist free corps (grey shirts) fought the revolution with aid from neighboring powers. The well equipped free corps defeated the revolutionaries during heavy fighting at UM, they promptly executed the captured leaders (only 4 of the original 70 who signed the declaration of independence survived the grey shirt counter revolution) and threw their bodies in the lake. The fascists took the EvoCity government and most of the ECSR land.
 During the 20s and early 30s the ECSR maintained independence in the well defended industrial area, however due to the great depression the industrial area declined, and the ECSR declined with it, the government became more democratic and abandoned some of the original communist ideas, creating a mixed economy similar to a present day European nation. The end of the first ECSR came due to the start of the EvoCity civil war, which started due to the "Rebel house incident" where fascist troops disguised as ECSR troops attacked their own base at the rebel house. The economic miracle that occured due to the natural resources in the captured lands of UM contributed heavily to the fascist fight, and ultimate victory.
 During the 40s the fascists, after defeating large, powerul nations around it, declared war on the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany. After heavy fighting the Soviets won. On VE day the Soviets annexed the industrial area of Evocity, giving it effectively the same government as the 1919 revolution. The only difference was in name, it was called the SREC (Soviet Republic of EvoCity).
 During the 50s, 60s and 70s, five year plans caused the SREC to flourish into one of the wealthiest of the Soviet republics. It also experienced little turmoil during this period, the only slight trouble was the construction of the EvoCity wall, which separated the now US influenced EvoCity and the SREC.
  In the 80s the Soviet economy was starting to crumble, the SREC felt this in shockwaves. In 1982 the SREC fell into disrepair, the factories were unused and empty, the streets were filled with homeless and the infrastructure was in ruins.
 The 90s and the end of the Soviet Union in industrial EvoCity was greeted with cheer due to economic collapse in the SREC in 1982, the Evo-City wall was broken down and the reconstruction of industrial Evo-City was started.
 Today the former SREC and EC SR are extremely socialist and communist dominated, the reconstruction efforts are having a great effect on the local populations. However, it was not as prosperous as some of the people alive during the revolution and SREC remember. The people who complained about slow growth were arrested by the EvoCity government due to "spreading lies and fiction" this angered the locals who then restarted the EC SR, as a modern rebellion against the current EvoCity government. Fighting for the same ideals as the 1919 revolutionaries, the new EC SR is just as committed to rebuilding a Soviet EvoCity.
[Image: jWZKFW4.png]
Submit a résumé on this thread, it doesn't need to be up to job application standard, but I am looking for people who can convince me that they really are commited to fighting the bourgeois Evo-City government. A good résumé requires that you: include your Steam profile and steamid, emotionally convince me to accept it, and entertain me.
[Image: 54fILt5.png]
President: Cate
Vice President: Clawz
Police Sergeant:
Head of Administration:
Party Politician:
Local Politician:
[Image: xXphKMD.png]
President: Cate
Field Marshall:
Captain: Fangz
Soldier: Potatus
[Image: tqknSGo.png]
1. You must have a mild knowledge of communism.
2. You must have a slight understanding of history.
3. You must be prepared to buy equipment for yourself (we can't fund free ammo and AKs until clan banks become a thing)
4. You must be serious about roleplaying.
5. You must be able to think for yourself. E.g: make suggestions for possible rps, come up with plans, do things involving the clan outside of official clan business (so long as you don't do anything that breaks the rules).

Yours Sincerely,
[Image: 1293687793183816180315.png]
David Moshe
EvoCity Soviet Republic
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  • RK-Fin, Waterloo

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[CLOSED]EC SR (Evo-City Soviet Republic) *RECRUITING* - by Cate - 03-14-2015, 12:47 AM

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