Report: [FL:RP] MrKat & kammyblythestone
Replying on behalf of MrKat because he is currently forum banned. He wrote this and I have not edited it:

So, I was following orders from the president about the tax to enter the city. Some time ago maybe 4-5 months ago, some people also did the same thing with the tax, and noone got mad at them. And it does not specify in the rules I cannot charge people on the way into the city. Also I made the barrier rammable after they pointed it out to me. I wann't finished building the checkpoint either. And I tazed the guy after he got out fo the car because I yelled to him to get out of the car and pay $100 entry fee, he denied to do so, so I pulled out my gun and told him to get out, then I cuffed him and he got into his car so I got my gun out again, he came out of the car and I tazed him to make sure he didn't run away as I looked like he was going to do so.

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RE: Report: [FL:RP] MrKat & kammyblythestone - by Mark-the-Mushroom - 01-12-2015, 04:59 PM

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