Unblacklist request (Weapon & Vehicle)
Your name: Streex/dinostyx

Your blacklist ID: 41547/41546

Steam ID: [b]STEAM_0:1:13656015[/b]

Reason: I stole Zed's car infront of him. When arrested by the police I waited till my sentence was up then shot at the cops that arrested me from the Nexus windows.

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] ZedsDead
Reason why you should be unblacklisted: (Going to post what I sent to Zed since it was originally intended for here but I couldn't get my account to work at the time so sent it to him).

 I'd like to apologize for my actions from a few days ago in which in retrospect I came across like a true asshole. At the time I wasn't aware that as a black market dealer I couldn't steal cars to sell as my own (Or steal them infront of people which I now know is also against the rules) and me taking Zeds car was a error of judgement. I also apologize for shooting at the police officers on the street, after that whole ordeal with the cars when the cops arrested me for it I got pretty dang mad and wanted to extract revenge after being released, once again a stupid decision I will never make again. In hind-site that was utterly retarded on my part. Once again I really apologize, I love this server and I came back because I managed to get a holiday off uni, got exited to get back into the game but maybe started off abit too hasty. I will legitimately make the promise too you that this will never happen again. Normally I would apologize and wait my ban out but unfortunately to my dismay I realized that a blacklist is ingame time not general, which puts me in extreme bad luck because playing 12 hours of gametime over my holiday it will probably end when my holiday does, and although I will continue to play after my holiday I wont be able to do it nearly as much and I would like to enjoy the time I have.

Messages In This Thread
Unblacklist request (Weapon & Vehicle) - by streex - 11-04-2014, 01:36 AM

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