Ban Request on Jizes and Manbon the 2nd
(08-29-2014, 09:38 AM)CowardAgent Wrote: after that I changed my job to cop, got a call on the radio and waited 5 - 6 mins to not break NLR, then a lot of cops came to kill you and die, but we got another calll so I watied 7 this time, and die thats was the last time I died.
I never abused radio, I just call the cops few times because I had to get backup fast.

In this quote alone you admitted to breaking NLR multiple times, as a player with 200+ hours you thoroughly know the rules, and as It's written in the quote you died, "Heard" a call to that same raid you've died in, waited for NLR to end and returned to the same raid, and finally, you admit that you've done it more than once, which confirms and concludes my case that you've indeed broken NLR 3 times and repeatedly came back to the same raid "Because I heard it on the radio", I request an admin to respond to this comment, if actions won't be taken against this player it would be injustice.

(08-29-2014, 01:18 PM)CowardAgent Wrote: I never spoke hebrew, and I dont want to speak this language end of discussion.
I broke FearRP? why did you even aim your gun at me if I just switched to the president job before few mins? can you pls answear me question? what was reason to do it? you can randmoly take me as your hostage because you want to.
This is what happand - They came to me in the elvetor asking to protect me, I said no leave me alone, and they kept asking to protect me until I just ignored them, then they started to ask for money protection, and I cant even understand why? can you just come to the presidnt and ask for money protection without even protecting him? also you friend after O -yeah wrote this is a random raid your friend type "No, we hate this president" so stop with your bullshit, we both know it was random raid, just deal with it

Now, about your FearRP break, as Jizes explained our intention wasn't to kill you, for 5 full minutes walking around the HQ and going up and down the elevator you're completely ignoring our request or the fact that we even exist, if you were just to acknowledge the offer, just to acknowledge and disagree with it, then we'd go away, but you were going on about "you can't raid me" and cursing us telling us our accents are shit, walking away from gunpoint and just being FailRP in general, we weren't robbing nor hostaging you but you just completely ignored the fact that we exist because you simply despise us, and now as a personal vendetta you're also opening a BR, I hope what you wrote is going to get you banned or atleast blacklisted, since we've broken no rules and all you did was purposefully disrespecting us.

Ps. Jack 'money' mondays who said he hates this President is not me nor Jizes, our names are different, get your facts straight.
"You .. I've seen you... Let me see your face... You are the one from my dreams. Then the stars were right, and this is the day. Gods give me strength.

You are a citizen of Tamriel, and you, too, shall serve her in your own way. You will find your own path. Take care... there will be blood and death before the end."

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RE: Ban Request on Jizes and Manbon the 2nd - by Manbon the 2nd - 08-29-2014, 01:43 PM

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