[Unofficial] Mist Security Corporation
OOC Information

[b]Steam name:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33796943
Age: 16
Hours: 637
Bans: 8
Blacklists: 12
Define your english from 1-10: 10
Define your RP skills from 1-10: 9
Do you have 50+ hours of playtime?: Yeah
Have you red the Mist rules?: Yes
Rate your activity on both the servers and the forums from 1-10: 9

IC Information

Name: Edward "Jafro" Caoideach
Age: 25
Weight: 15 Stone
Address: Number 2 apartments, Evocity.
Why do you want to join MSC?: Since Blackwatch shut down I have been seeking employment in the PMC industry, I feel that this company fits exactly what I have been looking for
Why should MSC choose you?: As a Police Officer I have a good understanding of weaponary, chains of command and working in a team to achieve a goal.
What advantages can you bring to Mist: I am respectful, Determined and am no stranger to being shot at. I can handle myself and have a firm understanding of following orders.
Sign: E. Caoideach

P.S - I know I have quite a few blacklists/bans but they are all very old, and I am a changed player who knows the rules and no longer breaks them. Thank you

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mist Security Corporation - by Jordy - 07-19-2014, 03:37 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Mist Security Corporation - by Jafro - 07-24-2014, 04:40 PM

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