[Unofficial] Mist Security Corporation
OOC Information

Steam name:[FL:RP]Asylum previous names:MightyOne , DeathHallow
Bans (We will check):11 but i have to be banned for over 10 months.
Blacklists (We will check):1 or 2
Define your english from 1-10:8
Define your RP skills from 1-10:10
Do you have 50+ hours of playtime?:yes (665) ..totally i have 1250h on rp servers
Have you red the Mist rules?:yes (its read - no red)
Rate your activity on both the servers and the forums from 1-10:10

IC Information

Name:Lester Winderfill
Weight:79 kg
Adress:Kapodistriou 5
Why do you want to join MSC?:i would like to join your corporation because first of all i really love to offer my protection to the citizens or any other govermental staff and keep them safe from any possible raid or murder attempts.i have joined some other security corporation such as MEGA but only as trial and thats why i left fearless for some weeks.Anyway i am trained on shooting and driving and i think that my skills would be appropriate for your corporation and help you improve the security of your clients.
Why should MSC choose you?:i am sure i just wrote down the reason above why you may choose me in your corporation.i think these two questions are very similar.( plus i have a suitCheese)
What advantages can you bring to Mist:i can bring more security to your clients , the advantage of having more staff for the calls you have from your clients and because i am almost all day in the server i could totally serve the corpotation all these hours by protection the clients


Note:i know my bans are totally a lot but i have changed till my last ban which kept for a long time and since the time i've got unbanned i havent broken any rules .

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mist Security Corporation - by Jordy - 07-19-2014, 03:37 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Mist Security Corporation - by Asylum - 07-20-2014, 06:45 PM

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