Rules Q&A 2.0 (Including updated directory)

The old topic was well worked on, questions were answered on time, but it is starting to get messy. I have created a new one and lined up all the asked questions and provided answers, future answered ones will also be added for fast lookup.

Please leave answering questions to staff members only, as otherwise may create confusion.

Direct to this topic from now on, old one has been closed and replaced with this one.

Full directory (excessive amount of quotes and spoilers)

§1. Building/basing

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Is this against the rules, even if they didn't have any admins permission? I have gotten different statement about that, so that's why I'm asking.

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[Image: rpevocityv2d0258.jpg]


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Against the rules, public and unrealistic/nonsensical building, propblocking (and possibly fading door abuse and doomforting, if he can get inside and shoot through tiny slits.)
He needs to get permission from the President definitely, he can get that through the radio, PM's or IC chat.

Lets say, you have a stand that sells some thing some where in public. And you get a admins permission. The next time you go on and there's no admins on and you want to put the stand down in the same spot. Would you need to get permission again?


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You need permission every time you build in public.

Can i fence in the lake part on 2d and make a nature park rp and i will have bears birds fish etc.?


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If you were to do this it would have to be fully supervised by an administrator, organised via the forums as an event and would require realistic builds with, hopefully, a lot of effort. (No slapping some wire fences and charging $50 for access) Even then, I would contact a supervising administrator for more confirmation.

Are invisible cameras allowed?


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If you own all doors in industrial (More than one person owning doors but are working together), can we block off the tunnels and make a check point? (Want to make an RP event)

Can you block off UM if you own it?
Hey I made a few small stands for selling food, they are very very small, like the size of two people. I have a little gate that closes it off for when my guy goes on lunch breaks and such, I have a button on the inside but not on the outside cause people would *** with it, and having a keypad looks unrealistic.

Since it's for Passive RP and I have absolutely nothing in the stand except props cause nothing would fit, is it still prop block??


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To all 3 questions: Show your build to an admin and get permission to spawn it every time before taking it to use. No admin on the server = no blocking off areas or public building.

If you block of an entire area, For example, The Church village in v33x and you own all the doors, Is it allowed?


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If by "blocking" the little village you mean putting a fadding door and keypad/button then it's fine.

If you block of an entire area, And if it has no doors you can own ( Tides hotel ) Is it allowed?


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As far as I am aware you can own the doors at the Tides Hotel? Anyhow, I have seen many hotels used there.

One thing I would do is incorporate rules together. For example, you can purchase all of the doors at the Tides (At least on v2d) and make some sort of passive RP, but you can't make it into a massive contrabase or any similar form of criminal base that will result in aggressive behaviour such as raids or firefights.

Now, you have to be sensible. For the example of the Tides, say you wanted to build a hotel there then I would advise making your 'barrier' further up so that the public can still access the proper 'public' part of the Tides.

Rules that are involved in this include:

6. Do not build custom doors behind an unownable door, exceptions are: Nexus and offices. (I would perhaps like some clarification to this from a full admin on whether the Tide Hotel could be incorporated into this for passive roleplays only.)

7. All buildings in the main city street and all obvious shops are reserved for passive RP. Do not base here.

Does the regular doors in the door tool count as custom doors, as they can be rammed and lockpicked?


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Doors from the door tool are custom as they are made by you and not default on the map.

If you propclimb on naturaly spawned items ( Ex. Trash cans, Buildings, Tables ) Does it still count as propclimb? Or is it considered something else?


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It considers as prop climbing and it is bannable.

Is having a keypad on both side (inside and exterior) of a gate disallowed?


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It is allowed to have keypads/buttons on both sides. Be it keypads on both or buttons on both. As long as there is 1 keypad per 1 side of the fading door.

Can you block off a place such as the car wash or colour changing spot?


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Is putting something in the back of a tides truck considered modifying it if it just simply placed inside?


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Carrying cargo is okay.

Is contraband within the office banned?


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Is it allowed to spawn contrabands in self-built prophouses?


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Prophouses, with and without contraband, are OK as long as they're not doomforts and obey all other prop/building/basing rules (not blocking off any public areas, must be realistic, keypads and buttons, etc.)

§2. Death/killing/raiding

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If I drive over someone on the road, is considered CDM?


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This depends. If the player suddenly runs across the road in front of you then it's not your fault. But, if you go speeding through the city, running red lights etc and hit someone then it can be considered CDM. Just make sure to roleplay as if you had actually hit someone, don't just drive off.

Is shooting/stabbing a tranquillised body allowed if you have a valid reason to kill them?


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Should be avoided, since killing anyone must always be a last resort.

If a driver is a direct threat to you and or those around himself/ has just run someoneover and is not stopping and is going to end up killing someone else, can lethal force be used?


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If the person inside does indeed present a great threat to lives, then yes. you can fire - assuming you would do the same if he were running on foot.

Though with the new damage system a new non lethal alternative has emerged to bring the vehicle to a stop. Can't I just shoot at every car to make them stop?


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Irrelevant. When police officers fire upon vehicles, they always have to acknowledge themselves that bullets can hit the driver, any passengers, any cargo or bystanders. Always assume the worst.

Are police authorised to use force to bring a vehicle to a stop or to simply slow it down if the circumstances warrant it?


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When police officers open fire, they always have to assume this will severely injure or kill their suspect. This should establish a frame of when it's okay to shoot, mainly when the target must be stopped at all costs.

Are you allowed to raid if you know they have contraband?


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Not as a civilian or a merchant.

What would be considered a random raid?


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Raiding without a valid reason, such as raiding for fun or because you're bored

If you are CDMed or RDMed does NLR still count?

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Depends on the situation, if you're RPing and someone (that has nothing to do with your roleplay) decides to run your group over, you may just return to the location and continue your roleplay. But be sure to contact an admin/moderator. This also applies when you get shot randomly.

If someone randomly raids you, can you hostage them?


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No, since a random raid is OOC business. You should ask the player to stop and contact an admin asap. When you hostage/tie them you're on the border of backseat admining, which is bannable.

Can you CDM someone for an IC reason?

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Like for example, yesterday I was just patrolling as cop when I spotted two rebels. One was very far in front of the other and was shooting a sniper rifle at apparently nothing. So I stop behind the farther back rebel, pull out my gun and take cover behind my car. Would it have been allowed for my to just drive up and run him over, which would be the much safer way to go about the situation?

Also I am curious, does fear rp count if they just open fire immediately without warning or any chance for you to try and fear rp to save your life?


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In answer to your first question, quite simply no. Using vehicles is not a valid way to kill someone.

FearRP is only valid up to a certain point, as common sense would be. For example, if there is a large group of armed men and they're brandishing their weapons but not killing you then you have to do what they say. Generally, the moment it turns to you actually being killed, as in the example you described, you're not going to stand there and just get shot; that is when you try and dodge things and fend for yourself.

Read below

Expanded question:

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So if I'm near a rock and they start shooting, as a cop, I can then run behind the rock for cover and return fire? I did this and was told off by a few people on the server, there were no staff on so I just assumed all of them were right and I was wrong? But like you said, you're not just going to stand there and let them turn from holding you on the ground to starting to shoot at you. IRL I would find cover asap. Is that rule abiding?


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If someone starts shooting at you, Fear RP will still be in effect, but differently. You see, if someone aims a weapon at you, you don't move because you're scared of being shot. If someone starts actually shooting at you, you are scared of being hit therefore you run/get cover.

In other words, if someone is actually trying to kill you, not just threatening you, you can run/hide/shoot back and whatnot.

Can you ask your men to free you from an ongoing arrest or kill the one arresting you?


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Well, your men are not allowed to kill the officer becuase you're going to be arrested, but they can threat him to relese you. (While holding the officer in a gun point.)

If the government arrests a member or leader of your crime group example Rebel Leader or Don Corleone gets arrested by government is that a valid reason to raid the government?


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Not so much to raid the government itself, but you could certainly attempt a breakout.

Can you return to a raid after 5 minutes?


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I brought this up and there has been some ambiguity to it with staff too.

SA ruling was as follows:

After 5 minutes has passed, you are permitted to return to a raid only if there are surviving members there and they're calling for back-up etc. However, should the raid drag on too long then an admin may step in and decide that you can not return back which, of course, would eventually finish the raid.

Can you raid for the sole purpose of contraband?


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Just going around raiding with the sole purpose of hunting and destroying contra is not accepted.

If a friend is being arrested, and he needs help, am i allowed to pull a gun at tell him to let him go? If he doesn't, am i allowed to hostage him? If he doesn't comply, can i kill him?


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Try to distract the officer first. Killing should always be a last resort.

If a Police Officer gets demoted, can he then, as a citizen. set a custom job as a Police Veteran or Police Rebel and attack the governement because he got demoted ? Or is that NLR ?


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NLR applies when you start a new life, you do NOT when you receive a demotion. It is a bad idea to initiate an attack on the government for the lone reason that you have been demoted by your overhead.

Am I allowed to go to the presidents office and threaten him to change certain laws and kill SS/Cops if they attack me after I warned them? I got told it was a raid but it's not.


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It's a raid in terms of RP regulations (in lack of a better word)

What is the official standing on NLR and raids?


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You are allowed to go back if called by a survivor, as long as it's reasonable - this means not violating NLR in any of it's forms (wait 5 minutes at least before returning, act like you've never been there before, forget who killed you and from where, etc.)

Is it back seat admin if someone try's to RDM you can use self defense like only if they shoot you first with an intention of killing with out a good RP reason can you try self defense.


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Self defense is allowed, but it really has to be self defense, not just "he was shooting randomly so I killed him just in case."

Does NLR count if you get propkilled/cdmed/car pushed(into a kill)?


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You are to avoid going back to the place you died, if an admin is online contact them for permission. Otherwise - if an admin isn't online, [...] if its absolutely necessary to take evidence for a Ban request, you can do so too.

If you were building/doing a RP and you died, can you go back?


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If you were killed by a prop while building then it is fine to go back. However if there's a staff member online make sure he knows about it.

If raided and near death, am I allowed to holster my gun spamming the binded holster button?


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There is no rule against holstering your weapon to avoid losing it.

§3. Specific roleplay/jobs/other

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Are you only allowed to wear suits if you're a citizen?


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What is considered a valid reason to mug someone, an example would be appreciated?


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More than a valid reason, it needs to be somewhere where mugs would usually occur. For example, the alleway in the slums area. You can mug someone if you wish, but don't ask for $2,000. Ask for something more realistic, like "Give me what you have!", then specify in OOC $50 or something similar.

A reason? Perhaps your character has been just been let out of jail and you want to RP as a criminal with no money, living in the slums and whatnot.

Can merchants have contraband at all?


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The rule expressly condemns 'basing' specifically, which I and many others have always categorised as sitting in a room, contrafarming and thus not performing your job. There is also the factor of FailRP, so I think that Gundealers and Black Market Dealers, both of whom are the most closely linked to the underground world, are allowed to possess contraband but are NOT allowed to base. If at any time it affects their ability to perform their job, it causes a problem. Chefs and Chauffeurs should not have contraband at all, they're civilian jobs and having contraband would be FailRP.

Is metagame saying that you saw something IC in the OOC chat?


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In a way, yes. It is best to avoid ALL forms of IC in OOC. The worst case of that would be if someone acted upon that information. Exclamations such as 'Woah, [Player X] has a nice lambo' wouldn't be classed as metagaming.

Does breaking into cars but not actually driving them away count as random stealing if we have a reason to do it? Such as moving a car that's in the way of something, or turning off the radio of a parked car right outside your store.


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It will be random stealing, atleast for your examples.

A while back someone kept robbing my store without any real reason other than roleplaying as a robber, and I was told this was fairly reasonable, is this still the case? Can we roleplay as robbers/muggers if it is roleplayed well without having any straight up reason, for example mugging people in dark alleys with a knife for $50?


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No, but we are working on a new ruleset to alloe street crime.

Is reconnecting to repair a crashed vehicle allowed?


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If a business is robbed and the security guard and thief have a shootout, does your store stop being passive?


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Yes. instead of the security guard trying to shoot at the thief, a more passive roleplay method would be to call the Police. Mostly all security guards aren't actually armed with guns.

Can you taze multiple people at once IE both members of a fistfight?


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If you feel that they could cause harm to you or others around you, then yes.

Is an RP event a separate thing IE two parties are shooting at each other can the police get involved or do they have to leave the event alone as to not spoil it?


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If an event is not on the Event Server then the Police can get involved. Admins do sometimes close off area's if they are doing something in which Police presence may ruin the atmosphere.

Does standing on a balcony like the ones at the appartments count as a sniper tower if used to snipe?


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No, as it is a part of the map, it is also not a tower. As long as no modifications are made (bullet proof shields, covers, etc).

If two people have guys pointed at each other upon first contact, how does fear rp work?


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FearRP does not apply if both guns were pointed at the same time upon first contact, you may kill if the opponent is hostile.

What if one person has a different type of gun or more expensive gun of same type?


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We don't work around the "bigger gun, better gun" system.

What if one side has more than one person with a gun?


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If A is one person and B is 2 persons, fearRP applies depending on the situation; if B is in front of A, fearRP does not necessarily apply, if one B is in front of A and the other B is behind A, fearRP complies. In other words; be realistic with the situation, 2 people against one wouldn't necessarily mean that the person would fear, but if he's surrounded by two people, he might want to consider putting his weapon down and surrendering. If there are 3 people or more, the person should put down his gun.

Can the Corleones be hired for jobs? I don't mean like executions or murders, but extortion, etc.


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As long as it follows all rules, that means no "hitman RP" or killing on contract under any circumstances, nor burning down stores.

If you are doing a custom protection service as citizen for the president, can you be corrupt and betray him?


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If you are a citizen and hired by the government and you have a sufficient reason to kill the president, you may kill the president under realistic circumstances, that means not when you're around him and 3 SRU officers.

Can fear rp be used to make someone drop an item from their inventory? If yes, does it depend on value?


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If you have valid reasons to ask a person to drop an item/demand $2000, you may, if the person has an item below the maximum asking price of $2000, you may ask for that, else you must demand $2000.

Can fear rp be used to force someone to leave a job with rp reasons to do so?


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No. A job is a job unless they are demoted by someone with the authority to do so.

If one can demand they drop an item below $2000 from their inventory if a valid enough reason is found, can one also demand one sell the doors to their house valued at $250 each.


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Demanding to sell the doors is acceptable, if RP'd properly - meaning huge organized hostile takeovers, this is way out of league for a lonesome small-time criminal.

I've seen several times that black market dealers set up stores in the city, isn't this job illegal and should be kept a secret?


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Black Market Dealers shouldn't own stores in the city as the items they sell are underground items. They should rely more on people contacting them directly.

If I see a black market dealer selling goods, can I arrest him?


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If you definitely witness a BMD produce black market goods and deal them to another person you have all rights to move in and arrest.

I don't really understand how I can get RP points. Is it given by admins? And for what reason?


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RP points are rewarded if a player RP's extremely well. This means correct use of /me and /it commands as well as putting a lot of effort in to the scenery.

Is it "random arrest" if i suspect the person in his house to do illegal things? And how do I prove that he is doing illegal things?


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That highly depends on the situation. For example, say you are a Police Officer and you come across a house with boarded windows, you can ask the owner why their windows are boarded and if you can take a look inside. If the person refuses to let you in then scout the house and wait until you have solid proof of something illegal inside (Money printers/ Drug Labs/ Weed [if illegal]). Only then can you arrest the person.

If you are a security guard, officer, gun dealer, black market dealer, etc. can you hostage somebody?


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The only jobs in which you can hostage someone are; Rebels, Corleones, and citizens if it suits the roleplay. You shouldn't need to hostage someone as any of the other jobs.

What can i do if i have been hostaged by jobs that are not allowed to hostage? Can i post a ban request on them?


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If you are being taken hostage by a merchant class (Gundealer, Doctor, Chef, Taxi Driver etc.) then they are making fundamental mistakes in their roleplay objectives and if they fail to release you after stating that what they are doing is in breach of the rules - you may gather evidence and post a ban request.

If I donate, where does the money go and for what?


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If you donate, the money is only ever used for the stability and maintenance of Fearless and its servers.

If I donate, and I get perm banned, will i get the money back?


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No, refunds are not given if you receive a permanent ban.

Is it allowed to set hour limitations on jobs? for example demoting everybody that doesn't have 100 hours etc.


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Putting an hour limitation on your force is considered metagaming, and is therefore not allowed.

When the president is wearing a custom suit (with the exception of the gas mask as it covers the face), are citizens able to still recognize him, know that he's the president and know his name?


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The President is always recognisable, no matter the suit.

If a person is made admin, and have 10 RP points, would they be able to gain any more, legitimately? Like, do other admins give them the points, or do they give themselves it ect?


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Admins are not to give themselves points to avoid any misleading or unfair outcomes. However, one admin can give/recommend another one for an RP point, however this must be some really decent RP and usually only happens with events.

Is buying a door and not using it allowed? Can he demand money for the door?


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If the person is RPing to be a real-estate agent - sure. If he's running around doing some other RP, then it's occupying property for no reason and frowned upon.

If I post a ban request, the user gets banned and makes an un-ban request does that entitle me to make a comment on the un-ban maybe add some evidence I didn't post on the ban request?


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If it was your Ban request then you can voice yourself in the appeal, but be sure to note down that you filed the complaint in the first place.

What is powergaming, and when am I powergaming?


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Power gaming tends to take on two forms.

First is the obvious one; switching to jobs and utilising the market for your own gain and then switching back. You should always aim to find a merchant or advertise your interest in purchasing items; not get them yourselves. This is a pretty black and white offence and is likely to result in a warning or ban depending on the circumstances.

The second form is when you attempt to force roleplay scenarios on another individual, notably using /me or /it. An example would be when raiding the President and you're in the final stretch, you cannot simply type /it The ceiling falls in and all the opposition drop dead. Another one would be trying to powergame your way into the Nexus by simply saying /me shows a valid ID. Of course, none of this ever applies if all parties are involved in a consensual roleplay and are fine with it; but it is powergaming when you are forcing others to abide by what you happened to type first. This will generally be a warning because of the heavy part context plays in it; but extensive power gaming with experience could lead to a ban.

If I get taken hostage, and if I RP not having the money to pay for my release, am I then breaking FearRP? Do they have to release me?


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For a good RP reason, it is okay to not be able to afford, though if that is their demand they have reason to not let you go until they have received the $2,000 they were asking for.

If you have been banned by an admin or mod for example, and you have him or her on your friends list and you start to insult to that admin in an steam chat. Does that count as adminstrator disrespect?


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If somebody who's never been on FL lays it down on an admin or mod for being terrible at CS:GO, then obviously we won't ban anyone.

If this hostility however is about FL, him/her being a staff member and taking care of their duty, then this can lead to punishment. Obviously, we've all gotten a ton of mild criticism for doing our jobs and we don't really care for it. However, when a person catches our eye by taking his attacks to a whole new level of hatred and disrespect, we will definitely reward his performance with an appropriate suspension.

Is there a limit to how much you can set the jailbail to? (ie. 3k for being unarrested)
Because as far as I know, the only limit is for hostages (2k)


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From what I've been told, The max for bail is 2,000 (2k).

Could SS Agents use suits as long as it is permitted by the President, or is it against the rules?
Can an agent participate in an undercover operation impersonating [...] as long as it does not include any kind of raid participation?


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To answer the question of "undercover positions" within the government, the answer is no. If you wish to be a representative of a government agency (FBI,CIA, a detective or similar) you should change your job to unemployed, get permission from the President, then do whichever RP you had in mind.

About the SS and suits, there really isn't a reason for them to be wearing those. The SS stands for Special Service, the SWAT/GIGN/SEAL of EvoCity. The only reason for the suits I can think of is when the President is somewhere out in public, so he would prefer one or two of his men to be more formal. I personally never allow them to wear suits, as they look intimidating in their uniforms.

Can Nexus Desk Secretary add custom job for example: Hospital Secretary or Police Department Secretary?
-Or does he/she need to be Unemployed and put /job (x) - Secretary?


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To me, being a secretary for any other governmental service is okay, if you wish to be a secretary for a company or something similar, you should go Unemployed.

Is Prostitution RPs not allowed?


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No to prostitution and rape, since most of our players are in their early teens and get overly hyped up when they encounter adult themes.

Is Special Service (Strategic Response Unit) allowed to wear suits?


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SS can wear suits if it matches their RP roles.

'SS have been more or less afraid to act as a suited bodyguard for the president


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Special Services = tactical unit, same as SWAT, SAS, SRU, QRF and the others.

Their primary function is to be a tactical unit, dealing with high risk situations, barricaded suspects, heavily armed criminals, officers under fire, etc operations. Their main function is not to wear suits and protect presidents.

You are a cop, a player [...] comes and breaks the law. You loose the player during a chase and then after a while finds them again. [...] the player were in a dress at the first encounter and when he got away he took it off and is now walking around in a unemployed skin. How do you react?

Spoiler: Expanded question
You are a cop, a player named "Trolol"(not a real name obviously) comes and breaks the law. You loose the player during a chase and then after a while finds them again. Now you have a problem, the player were in a dress at the first encounter and when he got away he took it off and is now walking around in a unemployed skin. How do you react?

I have met this problem a couple of times. Sometimes it is a suit with a black male and when you see them next time for an arrest they are now a white male. And I dont really know what to do in these scenarios.


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The obvious reason for a skinchange is usually death and repawn, if it was a minor violation I'd just forget it. In all other instances: this isn't GTA, changing clothes and coloring cars does not make you a whole different person.

Can a cop taze a man who has his gun pointed at a guys head as a threat?


Spoiler :
Nope, that would be FearRP breakage as the cop needs to feel fear for the mans life.
Using a tazer on an armed subject is, however, never allowed in the real world, because the electric current will cause muscle spasms, ending up with uncontrolled movements throughout the body - including the trigger finger.[/b]

If you are taxi driver, can you then drive people in your own car? instead of using taxi or bus.


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The only car that might fit the chauffeur job is the Volvo. You don't see in real life taxi drivers driving people in a Hummer or Mustang.

Do not run away from gunpoint or while being tied: this is breaking FearRP - I presume this applies to handcuffs as well?


Spoiler :
Yes, it does.

I hear different answers a lot on this, can SS wear a suit if there president/dictator allows them?


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It requires an actual reasons other than "Durrr, I liek dem lookin' fine".

For instance, the President wants to hold a speech, he should have one SS in a civilian uniform in the crowd, to watch it. Again, it would always be better if his bodyguard or custom unemployed guards wear suits, as the SS has an impressive gear which is used for psychological warfare.

[..] Do you have to have an RP reason to be a dictator? [...]


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Currently, there is no rule against this, therefore I cannot say that you need one. As it appears now, you may establish a dictatorship anytime you wish.

Are snipertowers banned?


Spoiler :
Yes, snipertowers are prohibited.

Can you wear Gas Mask suit as Rebel, Police Officer or as Special Service Agent, or is it considered as suit aswell?


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There's a reason it's restricted to 10+ RP points, people who've earned as many points should already know what the proper use of a gas mask uniform is. The only restriction to it's use is decent RP.

Are you allowed to post an unban request on a ban even if the ban has expired?


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Well there's no rule saying you can't, however if you get to post an appeal on a ban that has expired, get a valid and understandable reason for not posting it while the ban was active. (I.E The power went out so I wasn't able to post the appeal).

I have a question.

I'm with the mafia and we just pulled a gun up to someone, he breaks fear RP by not acting scared and pulls a prop infront of him blocking us. i get angry and loose control and say "i'm banning you" (implyed that i will tell an admin about what has just happened.)
an admin freezes me and gives me a proper warning, for impostering an admin for saying "im going to ban you."
should this have happened? i'm not sure i read in the rules it says you cant imposter an admin, not that i was doing it Tongue.
anyway thanks in advance.


Spoiler :
Please refrain from using those terms, maybe tell him what he's doing wrong or just simply call an administrator. Record your gameplay and post a ban request, in this case you may say something along those lines: "I am going to post a ban request on you if you don't stop.".

Is it a valid reason to demote a rebel that got ordered get somewhere in a given time and he does not follow orders?


Spoiler :
Yes, it is a vaild reason.

If I hear someone equip ammo how should I react? Lets say I am a police officer and I hear the ammo sound, can I taze them before the pull the gun out? Seeing as in real life you need to pull out the magazine to equip ammo into it. You, however, still need to load the gun in game after you equipped the ammo, thats why its confusing to me.


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Hearing the ammunition is tantamount to ensuring that a weapon is being prepared. In the unlikely event that they load a weapon right in front of you, that, in theory, would entitle you to act upon said information.

Are you aloud to set taxes to $30 without a reason? And if so, can people raid you for it? (not can they raid you for high taxes, i mean can they raid you if you have no reason for high taxes?)


Spoiler :
You require a reason for adjusting taxes, especially to higher boundaries. Failure to do so is in violation of roleplay rules and therefore raiding because of a 'poor reason' would be considered as backseat administration.

I like to play cop usually looking specifically for traffic violations, what I am unsure on is whether its within the rules to stop someone for running a red light and if they don't stop can you arrest them for it?


Spoiler :
Ofcourse. Running a red light is against the law in any country in the world (that I know off).

Just make sure not to shoot at the car.

Can I tranquilize someone that is propkilling, when there is no admins on the server? Not if they just propkill one guy, but if they propkill everyone they see?


Spoiler :
Backseat administrating, against the rules.

If the person is trying to kill me with a prop, would I then be allowed to shoot him in self-defence? Or would that also count as backseat administrating?


Spoiler :
Depends highly on the circumstances, however in most cases it does go under backseat administrating - safe bet is to keep clear of rulebreakers.

I own a club with a DJ stand can I use music in my mic or how do I get into the radio?


Spoiler :
You may stream music using your microphone if the roleplay situation is correctly set up. If you do it in public, make sure you get administrator's approval for doing so.

I recommend using the new radio feature.

If you are a paramedic is it ok to find some place to just chill (like listen to a radio or something) and just wait there until you either receive a call or witness an accident?


Spoiler :
Absolutely. Making a nice Paramedic station is good RP.

Guns are illegal, this is in the perma laws. Gun dealer is a underground job.

Now lets say the presidents allow citizens to have weapons in self defence, does this mean that the gun dealers can have shops and advert it and have their shop in peace or am I allowed to "raid" it as a cop and put the gun dealer into the slammer like I would be allowed to if it was a black market dealer? I see gun shops all over the place and I am not sure if the rules state that I am free to raid. I have only heard about its free to raid BMDs if they advert about their shop or make signs.


Spoiler :
If guns are legal, then gun shops are by logic also okay.

If a agency (HR) is working with the Goverment, and see UFOs attacking the city, is it FailRP to attempt to shoot the UFOs out the air?


Spoiler :
No unrealistic or nonsensical RP, thank you.

I've got a question.

Stealing a vehicle because your own was stolen is obviously against the rules, but if you're a police officer/special service and get an urgent call, are you allowed to commandeer a vehicle? By this I don't mean lockpicking a car, but stopping a car and ordering the driver to either take you to that place or let you drive the vehicle with him/her in it. Police do that IRL.


Spoiler :
In extreme cases and only if RP'd very well.

If someone steals a car and dumps it in the lake on v2p is it alright for the car owner to reconnect to retrieve it then?


Spoiler :
As a last resort, without disrupting any RP or affecting anybody else in any way.

Can I ask for a slay if I spawn with a player model that doesn't fit my RP?


Spoiler :
You can always ask an admin for it, not giving a guarantee that the admin will agree with the slay or will have time to fulfill this request.

Me and a friend were wondering if we are allowed to use Skype or team a private team speak to talk to each other whilst playing Fearless


Spoiler :
Not recommended, since it's pretty certain you will start mixing up IC and OOC, ending up metagaming.

Is it allowed to rp animals?


Spoiler :
Nope. Our characters spawn human and they will remain as such.

If a player has a gun and is shooting at you, are you allowed to tranq him and kill him? If not I don't see the point in the tranq gun, because all he will do is get back up, hunt you down, and kill you.

Spoiler :
If you are in an active firefight and in the circumstances not affected by fear roleplay, you may tranquilize your opponent.

When a gunfight is going on, can you tranq a opposing player who has a weapon out, them and run up to them and tie them up? Or would this be considered FearRP?

Spoiler :

Messages In This Thread
Rules Q&A 2.0 (Including updated directory) - by Narc - 09-24-2013, 03:33 PM
RE: Rules Q&A 2.0 (Including updated directory) - by User 12049 - 09-24-2013, 03:37 PM
RE: Rules Q&A 2.0 (Including updated directory) - by User 12049 - 09-24-2013, 04:11 PM

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