What do you think of Global Warming?
Some of these points can easily be backed up. Simple Google searches can wield hundreds of pages of information. I do find it unnecessary to say that Faustie. This argument wasn't exactly. Out of hand. It simple had some un-backed up statements, however, these can easily be backed up with common sense, Internet, Books and/or other methods. Some of what you said is true. Like I have said: 1 Degree Celsius per century is a HUGE increase. Climate change is a more accurate thing to say as opposed to Global Warming this is due to that fact the regional areas may experience cooling, where as other location may experience a drastic and rapid change to their climate. Some of what said can be backed up and is not far from the truth. The thread was pure speculation. No need to have a go at us. Arguing is good, if you know how to do it.

You are not far from the truth, I am 13. We can all view data objectively. Just has not been shown. Proof, There is some (Might not be a lot) of proof. Not all of us are idiots.

Fertilizers are a cause of concern. This is a major cause of Water pollution and also has fatal consequences on humans. (See http://greenliving.nationalgeographic.co...-2898.html)

Rich people make huge profits from oil and fossil fuels because they are a necessity. In the 1970's the middle eastern nations rose fuel prices by 4x's. Unlike other primary resources countries can't go to another country to get their wood for cheaper. Oil is made in vast amounts here so the western nations agreed to pay this amount. This made the middle east a rich area and put their money in European banks which invested billions of dollars into African nations of which couldn't pay the loan back. (This will lead into more complex things so I will stop here).

This leads onto the 'Welfare' point. Welfare is a drain on the economy. Unfortunately, tax payers dislike this. Tax payers are basically paying for these people to live. Fairly unfair. This does depend on why these people live on benefits. If it is because they refused to be bothered at school, that is a problem, if it is because some unfortunate thing happened like they lost their jobs or a health condition stops them from working, fair enough.

The current economic stand point of the globe is a mess.

As long as those bits and bobs have been or can be backed up, fair enough, if they can't, I see where you are coming from.

Carbon emissions over the past century have increased, rapidly, We have used up more or less all of the fossils fuels in a century. I call that fast. (This might have some info http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/da...historical)

Messages In This Thread
What do you think of Global Warming? - by aviator - 10-25-2012, 04:38 PM
RE: What do you think of Global Warming? - by aviator - 10-30-2012, 03:45 PM

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