Steam Name: karenjacker

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:608038904

BlacklistID(s): 111373

Blacklist Reason

Staff Member: Lewwings

Involved users
Just me and a few others

Why should you be unblacklisted?
So i received a 3 hour blacklist for killing a chauffer who was deliberately parking trucks with trailers attached in front of the base we were using. This went on for a period longer than an hour and i sent multiple @ calls about it. There was two people doing this, one of them was Jan - who as a veteran should know better than to be a blatant minge. We told them many times to go away and leave the area but within 30 seconds they would be back.
One time they glitched a trailer with a large house prop on it into our building which made it inaccessible. 

Admins won't respond to the calls and after an hour of this I had gotten sick, so I waited for the chauffer to enter our base where I killed him. Immediately I am dragged into the air and punished for 3 hours by none other than Lewwings. 

- If its true that I should know better then a veteran should definitely know better.
- If an admin has the time to sit and watch then he has the time to answer @ calls about problems.
- Common sense implies that if you continue to fuck with a large gang of armed people in a big compound aggression would be used.

If people want to do stupid things and minge, block off doorways with immovable trucks then why am I the one who is punished?

You wonder why players get sick and quit? Why the player base is dwindling? Its because you look after only your friends as staff and don't respond to @ Calls. Obviously people will get sick of it.
Ive worked hard to keep my record clean and things like this just piss me off? Just admins helping there friends and nobody else as per usual, FL has not changed and never will.
Good evening karenjacker,

You were issued this blacklist for flat-out jumping to violence as a means to resolve your issue with the chauffeur and choosing violence, instead of roleplaying out a threat, or subduing him with zipties/rope, or better still employing FearRP with a stern warner.

You chose to execute the guy, and therefore immediately put your liberty and your life at risk by doing so in such a public way, blatantly breaking 3.1, 3.1a, and 3.5. Like I told you on the server, if you have any evidence of Jan acting out, you are more than free to submit it for independent review.

I would also like to point out that it is Friday evening, and the server population is high tonight, meaning that not every call can be checked into and reviewed; and finally, that your use of whataboutism (in reference to "why am I the one who is punished?") won't do you any favours here.

You broke the rules, and were punished; why should I remove this sanction from you?
[Image: jUcv1hb.png]
I had put Jan under fear rp many times including telling him that if i saw his face and truck here again I would put a bullet between his eyes and yet he minges on and on and on, i could have told you this if I was given time but you weren't willing too listen.

If people fuck around with a group of 7-8 visibly armed men what would you expect? If any rule here was broken it was Jan (Your mate) breaking the following:
You must follow FearRP by acting afraid of threatening situations that affect your own or accomplices' lives. To initiate FearRP have a weapon out and give out orders (text or voice).

Jan should not have been doing what he was doing, definitely not for over an hour, he had no regards for his characters life and was just being a cock. If he wasn't there I couldn't have shot him. He is a veteran here, you state that I should know better and yeah I admit i could have once again got him under FearRP but after doing this over and over again without him listening and continuing to return why would I? He should know better he, not me.

I did not break the rules, that is why you should remove the sanction.
In response to the following:
"You chose to execute the guy, and therefore immediately put your liberty and your life at risk by doing so in such a public way, blatantly breaking 3.1, 3.1a, and 3.5. Like I told you on the server, if you have any evidence of Jan acting out, you are more than free to submit it for independent review."

I was inside my compound as was the chauffer, so not public in any way means or form - Why was the chauffer in an armed compound? Can you justify his actions? Or do you not care about what he is doing as he is your friend.
So what if Jan and I are friends? If I found him to be breaking the rules or doing the same as you, I would of punished him too. Being my friend is not the "get out of jail free" card you are playing it off as. I have a clear distinction between my personal and professional (administrative) relations. Your execution was public as it was in view of other road users, which could of put you at risk if anyone was passing by, spotted your crime, and called the cops on you, thus costing you your liberty and the very least.

We're not here to discuss justifying Jan's actions here, we're here to discuss yours.
[Image: jUcv1hb.png]
(07-30-2021, 09:42 PM)Lewwings Wrote: So what if Jan and I are friends? If I found him to be breaking the rules or doing the same as you, I would of punished him too. Being my friend is not the "get out of jail free" card you are playing it off as. I have a clear distinction between my personal and professional (administrative) relations. Your execution was public as it was in view of other road users, which could of put you at risk if anyone was passing by, spotted your crime, and called the cops on you, thus costing you your liberty and the very least.

We're not here to discuss justifying Jan's actions here, we're here to discuss yours.
Exactly, and i have justified my actions above so please read it. 

And its not public, its industrial compound with another wall built around it? Where isnt the problem anyway you say i had no reason to kill, i told him to stay away many many times and then yet again i find him inside a the compound - I have not broken the server rules here and you  know it.
The other thing that pisses me off is that I made many @ calls about it and they went un answered, but you must have been ignoring them as you were present anyway? So how come when i call for help its not there but when Jan is hard done by im insta black listed.
[Image: courthouseconclusion.png]

Despite your attempts to cast the blame on me for catching you out breaking the rules (listed above in a previous post), that still does not sufficiently explain why you should be unblacklisted nor is it an effective tactic in getting unblacklisted. You keep banging on about how Jan kept returning despite your apparent warnings not to, and while I am somewhat sympathetic to that idea, you can't just execute somebody who doesn't pose an immediate threat to you, especially in such a callous manner.

[Image: jUcv1hb.png]

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