MEGA Corporation
Steam Name: Rafael

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50500699

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 85 hours

How many hours do you play weekly on the servers?: Almost every day 2-6 hours

How many RP points do you have?: 0

How many bans do you have?: 0

How many blacklists do you have?: 0

Real Age: 14

Personal Information

First Name: Rafael

Age: 14

Nationality: Belgium

Date of Birth: 23/O2/2000

General Information

Experience of management/leadership: Yes/No: NO

Why are you applying for MEGA corporation?:
I'm searching for a clan that's good constructed and doesn't always do the same role plays . And i would like to have more real RP then just in the normal server farming money.
Why should MEGA corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?:
that you need to ask yourself i can't answer that

What division are you applying for?: security otherwise retail

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: security i did often on my own otherwise i'm a gun dealer ,black market dealer and sell items
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Mavis Dracula

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:38576513

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 407+

How many hours do you play weekly on the servers?: 3

How many RP points do you have?: Sadly enough none.

How many bans do you have?: 3

How many blacklists do you have?: 3

Real Age: I am 15

In-Character Information

Personal Information

First Name: Samantha

Middle Name: Mavis

Surname: Lucio

Age: 22

Nationality: US

Date of Birth: 28 October 1991

General Information

Previous occupations: Estleback Corporation

Rank/positions in said employments: Construction Engineer

Experience of management/leadership: Yes/No: Yes

References/people we can contact(OOC - Steam name/FL name): Wood Chopper, Floodify and Craz

Why are you applying for MEGA corporation?: I"m feeling to help MEGA in any way I can.

Why should MEGA corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?: Because I feel I have the needed skills for the devision I applied for, Metrics, Mathematics and Insight.

What division are you applying for?: P&D.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Yes I do.

Things I made

Spoiler: Skyhouse with elevator

Spoiler: Mavis her appertment
[Image: 2014-07-21_00010.jpg]
[Image: 2014-07-21_00011.jpg]
[Image: 2014-07-21_00012.jpg]
[Image: 2014-07-21_00013.jpg]
[Image: 2014-07-21_00014.jpg]
[Image: 2014-07-21_00015.jpg]
^ Old vehicle stuff she brought
[Image: 2014-07-21_00016.jpg]
^ Her study books (not all the books ofcourse)
[Image: 2014-07-21_00017.jpg]
^ Hanging TV because her appertment is small.
[Image: 2014-07-21_00018.jpg]
^ She works as online after sales manager at EvoApple.

The following 1 user Likes De CodeerHeer's post:
  • Ivan Tempski
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: PaulB

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:81010017

How many hours do you have on the servers?:88 Currently.

How many hours do you play weekly on the servers?:At least 60

How many RP points do you have?:0

How many bans do you have?:0

How many blacklists do you have?:0

Real Age:13

In-Character Information

I'm 22, Dark brown hair, Welsh, Ex-Rugby player.

Personal Information

First Name:Lewis

Middle Name:Patrick




Date of Birth:09/Mar/1992

General Information

Previous occupations:N/A

Rank/positions in said employments:N/A

Experience of management/leadership: Yes/No:N/A

References/people we can contact(OOC - Steam name/FL name):N/A

Why are you applying for MEGA corporation?:As I believe I can make a difference to Mega Corp to help protect it's staff, and Customers.

Why should MEGA corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?:I am on a lot, But I believe I would try my hardest and make a bigger difference, And I ain't Trigger Happy.

What division are you applying for?:Security

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?:Only, Defending bases.

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: RPBrennan

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:57889113

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 94

How many hours do you play weekly on the servers?: 40

How many RP points do you have?: 0

How many bans do you have?: 0

How many blacklists do you have?: 0

Real Age: 16

In-Character Information

Personal Information

First Name: Matthew

Middle Name: Robert

Surname: North

Age: 19

Nationality: Welsh

Date of Birth: 13 April 1992

General Information

Previous occupations: N/A

Rank/positions in said employments: N/A

Experience of management/leadership: Yes/No: N/A

References/people we can contact(OOC - Steam name/FL name): N/A

Why are you applying for MEGA corporation?: As I can see MEGA is the most RP focused and most broad Corporation in the community at this time with all the departments functioning to help the Business and corporation progress. I see MEGA active and enjoy working with associates such as Mr Adam King I want to be more involved with the Corporation.

Why should MEGA corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?: I'm a well known person in the city I am seen around the suberbs and sometime venture into the city my name is whispered between criminals being known for large firepower.

What division are you applying for?: Security

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: None in RP.
The following 1 user Likes Brennan's post:
  • Ivan Tempski
Oh I see this is 2 applications I thought you'd just pasted it twice!
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
They are brothers and have to use the same Fearless account so they have two separate applications.
Kind Regards,
Fearless Donator

Yes, We're two brothers, We can't make Two Different accounts, As it will only allow 1 IP Register, And I haven't been bothered to get a VPN
[Image: BFv3WKo.png]
Today MEGA expanded its operations to mining coal, we entered the mines and extracted over 40,000 tonnes of coal for Evo City's power. it was a great success and thank you to everyone involved! the troops looked very happy afterwards!
[Image: 9eFmmhK.jpg]
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
The following 3 users Like Barkles's post:
  • De CodeerHeer, BlackForestAdam, Arxxy
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Chromed

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:66776371

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 141

How many hours do you play weekly on the servers?: about 7 hours a day now it has come to summer holidays

How many RP points do you have?: 0

How many bans do you have?: 0

How many blacklists do you have?: 2

Real Age: 15

In-Character Information

Personal Information

First Name: Sam

Middle Name: Chromed

Surname: Crompton

Age: 23

Nationality: British

Date of Birth: 7-03-1991

General Information

Previous occupations: Weapon Manufacturing, Security Operations and Car Retails

Rank/positions in said employments: Head Manufacturer, Chief Security Officer, Car Salesman

Experience of management/leadership: Yes/No: Yes

References/people we can contact(OOC - Steam name/FL name): [FL:RP] Enigma98(STEAM NAME) Sam Crowther(IN GAME)

Why are you applying for MEGA corporation?: Well, As i have worked in security before, I would like to join MEGA because i see you as a fun, enjoyable Corporation and that i could join and help. My experience in Security is quite good, i play alot of SRU roles. Also, I feel i could bring a bit more fun and things like that etc. As a member of MEGA, I would help out on nearly all projects i can and give all my service to this Corporation. I feel i would be a good member of you Corporation and protect your goods properly as well.

Why should MEGA corporation pick YOU and not somebody else?: Well, as i said in the paragraph above, i have had experience in security before and if i did join MEGA, that is the role i would apply for. Why should you choose me? Well, I am equipped with some good set of skills, Strategic thinking, Good negotiation skills and a good marksman. I can use a variety of skills at once which some people cant do. With these skills i could help against robberies and thefts to the Corporation

What division are you applying for?: I would like to apply for a role in the Security Division, I will start at the bottom if needed and earn my way through the ranks and not ask if i cant get a high rank.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Yes, as i said in the 2 paragraphs about why i want to join and why you should pick me, i have had good experience in security and i play SRU roles quite alot so that is a good security experince

Thanks for reading this and taking the time to overlook it. I really appreciate it

Thanks - Chromed

OOC Notes
I Have had 2 blacklist but one of them was under my old name, [SLI]Sam Crompton
Kind Regards,
Reminder to applicants

Where it says IC Info please don't start telling me OOC things

And also in the IC Info dont refer to MEGA as a "Clan" as ICly we are a corporation

Any OOC notes add them at the bottom of the app clearly labelled

Anyone who cannot distinguish between IC and OOC will be denied for lack of perception so you have been warned

Please read through your applications and ammend them
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
The following 1 user Likes Barkles's post:
  • mgdwszx

Recently we have received lots of applications, unfortunately we have only found 1 applicant who fits our standards
please welcome Mavis to MEGA, the rest of the applicants you are denied thank you for applying but we don't have a place for you here at this time.
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
The following 1 user Likes Barkles's post:
  • De CodeerHeer

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