The Gaming Industry Discussion/Moan
Oh! That would be quite true!
Stop flaming on my thread! IS MY THREAD! And people, this isn't about the developers-they don't make the choices. They don't choose what the prices should be. If they don't make the game EA (Publisher) want it to be, well, yeah. They lose support. EA doesn't make the games. They just produce and market them.
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
Stop acting childish, Nuka or I might as well close the thread. You dont have to rage against other people in that way.
(11-10-2012, 10:41 AM)NukaBomb Wrote: Stop flaming on my thread! IS MY THREAD!

You do realize that THIS specific thread is PUBLIC
You are just a OP of it
If you would have rights to call it "Your Thread" than yeah, you might have asked people to dont flame in it
I blame Microsoft for taking Rareware.
I mainly just play PC indie games now and things like Planet-side 2, Hitman: Blood Money and Deus Ex.
I am going to have to agree with what StillAlive said about Rockstar games they still do some things that aren't just FPS but i also have to complain about Rockstar because they sold a game that had a lot of copies they know where defective and not working *cough* LA Noire *cough* and that seriously kinda pissed me off i mean i payed 400 SEK. (like 46 EURO) for a game that don't work and when i visit their website they know that the game dosen't work... Anyway i would say most companies now a days do FPS because they want to copy the succes of BF3 and COD. Still i wish companies would go back to doing games for the computer like the Ultima games which i still love.

Derp: Apparently i don't know what BF game is the newest since i wrote BF2 to begin with. -.-
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

(11-10-2012, 11:03 AM)StillAlive Wrote: Stop acting childish, Nuka or I might as well close the thread. You dont have to rage against other people in that way.

It was a joke Still.
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
if you say Bf3 is a copy of COD you are completely wrong. COD completely ripped of Battlefield a few months after bf3 was made. They even copied the squad system apparently. If you say BF3 is garbage you haven't played the game at all.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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