john jong
Steam Name: john jong

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14212289

BanID: 83806

Ban Reason
Hacking and Double Accounting

Staff Member: Violet Kittie | Edned

Involved users
Violet Kittie | Edned

Why should you be unbanned?

There are 2 BanID's - 83806 and 83808

I am severely sorry for this mistake and it is one which I regret I really miss playing on fearless and would love to return and promise to never turn on an esp again. I only used it to see where certain admins who were very bias towards me are and my friends and not for any unfair advantage I apologise once again and I hope I can play FL once again. I am also asking that I am unbanned from my DAing ban as I only DAd because of the ban.
Don't fuck up next time or you'll likely get banned. If you want a roleplay interface then maybe don't use it here. They will find you John Jong. I'll be watching!
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]

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