Cannot join server, but it isn't down.
I've recently had some trouble joining the server, v33x. It does not show up on Garrysmod and on legacy browser shows up as not responding, even though the site says it is up and has 50 people. Why can't I see the server?
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke
It's not currently up, the server has been DDOS'd just now, and has been down for a while.
Lead by example.
Hello James3000117,

The server that is using the map "Evocity_v33x" is currently under DDoS! The server's network line became filled with incoming data and causes the server to lag and eventually stop responding to players data requests in the server, thus causing you to lag and eventually disconnect. A sign of a DDoS is when your ping jumps well about the average and soars into the 600+ range. And Tonight, in this picture, this is the case :

[Image: DDOS_zps25ba60ec.png]

I hope I answered to your question,
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]
Ah, alright. Since it appeared online I thought it was just me. In that case, I apologize for making this thread and not posting in the "Server Down" thread.

Thank you.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke
(01-24-2013, 10:07 PM)James3000117 Wrote: Ah, alright. Since it appeared online I thought it was just me. In that case, I apologize for making this thread and not posting in the "Server Down" thread.

Thank you.

Well, indeed, next time, try to not make a thread like this about "Server Down" subject but ...
Always glad to help !
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]

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