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Fearless.... -_- - Printable Version

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RE: Fearless.... -_- - Safira - 03-23-2015

(03-22-2015, 11:01 PM)Jan Wrote:
(03-22-2015, 10:56 PM)LivKX Wrote:
(03-22-2015, 10:26 PM)Bloodworthy Wrote:
(03-22-2015, 10:52 AM)LivKX Wrote: Snip

Double Snip

Third Snip

Snip the Fourth

I don't wish to pursue an argument with anyone on this thread, but like you all, I'd like to speak my opinion.
Are you all now actually COMPARING lives and mindsets to see who has it worse?

Are you telling me that you'll now use Liv's decision AGAINST her? That's truly f*cked up.
Okay, so Liv, perhaps your first comment was a little insensitive, as are the majority of the replies.

But it would seem people have decided to pick you to fire shots at. Maybe they think you're an easy target and it's all too easy to fire some insults your way, but that shouldn't be the case.
Bloodworthy, I appreciate that you're defending the OP, but shooting insults at another player about something equally personal and sensitive is NOT the way to do so.

"If someone is not in the position to act like that it is you."
No. Alright. Just no. NOBODY should be in the position to act like that. What you're implying is that she's less than us? We can all talk sh*t about this thread, but not Liv, because she has issues, and therefore can't have an opinion.

I honestly don't understand what your intention was by creating this thread. 
I'm sorry about your friend, but it's as Preditor said: nobody forced him to play. Many, myself included, use Fearless as a respite from life, so why we'd all try to make FL a living Hell is beyond me. I find it quite relaxing most of the time.
Yes. There are some people who don't take sh*t seriously. They minge around, think they're better than everyone else, lack compassion, whatever. There will ALWAYS be people like that. Even more so on the internet. I mean, come on, it's the internet. 
Having never experienced someone with ADHD first-hand, I wouldn't know exactly what affects it, or what the outcome of it is. But as his friend, you should be there to try and coax him out of what's hurting him, or take action against the arrogance. 
I admire you for taking a stand and posting this thread. But part of the reason you're getting this kind of response from the community is that many of them don't agree.

We're all wonderful happy unicorns who eat marshmallow fluff and poop out rainbows and it makes us sad when people don't want to unicorn with us.

RE: Fearless.... -_- - Jan - 03-23-2015

Oh yes Liv can have an opinion, but the thing is if it's just straight up disrespecting others then I aint okay with it, especially since she made an "emotional" thread herself and everyone was respectful.

I'd appreciate if you stop twisting my words, because I never even talked about Liv's thread or what is in it, nor do I care about it.

RE: Fearless.... -_- - Rolorox - 03-23-2015

Like it has been said, this can happen on any server. In fact majority if not more than 90% of the servers out there are worse. This server is damn well taken care of for the amount of people trying to ruin it. You do have a choice, I myself have very elevated Anger Management issues. Thanks to my father and good old genetics. But you don't see me yelling at people when shit gets out of hand. You need to realize that its a game and there is so much more to life, so many more important things to shove your anger towards. Don't get tired worrying about a game, just turn it off.

TLDR: Its a game, if it makes you mad? Turn it off. EZPZ

RE: Fearless.... -_- - Ms. Mudpie - 03-23-2015

Is this game stressing you out? Then try this new soothing formula called Stop Fucking Playing! It's super effective!

Seriously guys, why are we even having a discussion on this.

RE: Fearless.... -_- - GeorgeTheBoy - 03-23-2015

Let's keep things on topic here, please.

If this thread continues to drift off topic then it will be closed.

RE: Fearless.... -_- - Faustie - 03-23-2015

I think that Safira's post sums it up rather aptly. If you get lost in my ramblings, feel free to refer to her post.

Jan, Bloodworthy, you shouldn't pick on someone else's issues as a way to reinforce your own argument. Everyone here can make their own statement on the issue, whether they agree or disagree, and their own lifestyle and thread should have no impact on whether or not they can speak here, not to mention your posts were borderline insulting. Don't do it again.

That said, Liv, while you shouldn't have to receive flak because of another thread you made and because of your lifestyle, your first post was insensitive, so I wouldn't be too surprised at some of the replies you're getting.

In an ideal world, of course, everyone would have thick skin and be able to completely ignore what would otherwise be hurtful comments, or what they perceive as hurtful comments, even if they aren't in reality. However, this isn't an ideal world, and when people already have issues it does no good to prod at them in such a manner. This applies to both Liv and the OP.

What's worth mentioning, however, is that just because someone doesn't agree with your post doesn't mean they're not taking you seriously. People are entitled to an opposing opinion, and you shouldn't get offended over it (unless of course the post is blatantly offensive, which has been the case for one or two here, but just live and let live; no point making the argument worse by jumping at the bait). While some of the disagreeing posts are a little insensitive, I don't think they're that big of a deal.

As you can see, I think that everything that has happened in this thread is a lot more overstated than it should be. The worst thing of all is people flaming and bursting into argument over one comment which could otherwise be ignored. If you have grievances with one another over things said in this thread, you should really drop them; it isn't worth it. Continue to discuss the potential for games to cause ADHD and such, certainly, but there's no reason to continue the other arguments. Further off-topic arguing will end up with this thread being closed.

RE: Fearless.... -_- - The_Alpha_Dog - 03-23-2015

I just got my self banned.

RE: Fearless.... -_- - Bowiii - 03-29-2015

Seems like you can't look Faearless apart from the Internet.

If your friend is a soft ball he shouldn't be on the Internet at all.
You've misunderstood, Mystery. This has nothing to do with fearless. It's just the Internet.

RE: Fearless.... -_- - Enzyme - 03-29-2015

This thread was bound to end up as a train-wreck, especially with OPs post and how some of you guys are behaving. Safe to say that you really learn how some of you guys and girls are with how you decide to act on this thread.

Reply to Ops thread: FL isn't a kindergarten and if you can't handle to play a game without being affected then that is entirely your fault.

(written on phone)

RE: Fearless.... -_- - Roachy - 04-01-2015

I guess what people are saying is.
