07-18-2021, 05:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2022, 01:08 AM by Fearless Community.
Edit Reason: Fixed Encoding
Steam Name: legendarymh4
SteamID: STEAM_0:0;523313900
BanID: 84984
Ban Reason
fearp and lieing
Staff Member: johnsliver
Involved users
wolfy shmciki
Why should you be unbanned?
so the taxs was 40% so i wanted to plan on raiding alone i got armed and ready to raid in i got my shotgun ready i raiding the nexus the doors was open and i saw the preseidnt on the lobby with officers and i shot him and killed him no officers was holding guns they where building stuffs so i wasnt on fearp and the tax was already 40% i had a chance to aim at the preseidnt after i killed him the people was threating to ban me and saying stuffs like i broke fearp which they had no proof that i broke it and then admin johnsliver pulled me up and said to me u cant pull ur gun from ur invertory while ur in place with full officer first thing it was on logs that i got armed befor raiding inside i didnt pull my gun from my invertory and shot him he can see that i was armed befor raiding i told him i want a proof that i did that and he rufuse and banned me which he doesnt have any proof of me breaking fearp and calls me a lier
SteamID: STEAM_0:0;523313900
BanID: 84984
Ban Reason
fearp and lieing
Staff Member: johnsliver
Involved users
wolfy shmciki
Why should you be unbanned?
so the taxs was 40% so i wanted to plan on raiding alone i got armed and ready to raid in i got my shotgun ready i raiding the nexus the doors was open and i saw the preseidnt on the lobby with officers and i shot him and killed him no officers was holding guns they where building stuffs so i wasnt on fearp and the tax was already 40% i had a chance to aim at the preseidnt after i killed him the people was threating to ban me and saying stuffs like i broke fearp which they had no proof that i broke it and then admin johnsliver pulled me up and said to me u cant pull ur gun from ur invertory while ur in place with full officer first thing it was on logs that i got armed befor raiding inside i didnt pull my gun from my invertory and shot him he can see that i was armed befor raiding i told him i want a proof that i did that and he rufuse and banned me which he doesnt have any proof of me breaking fearp and calls me a lier