Steam Name: Clash

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79245098

BanID: 83864

Ban Reason
DAing: Percy The Train STEAM_0:1:155609091 | Steven8ken Edit: DAing x9

Staff Member: Conn

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
I made a mistake and it was wrong and I am sorry and I want to RP again. I would like to play again now and then to help not to abuse and I will take all the punishment of the bans. I had fun and want to continue and let others have fun too, this is my last chance and I appreciate any consideration.
Hi Clash, will discuss with team.

Consider giving me a rep point here.

After discussing with the team, I will be denying this. We believe that it is too soon since the incidents occurred.


Consider giving me a rep point here.

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