Steam Name: DF-DustGame

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:78213935

BanID: 82503

Ban Reason
R/C to avoid arrest

Staff Member: [FL:T] Chumps

Involved users
me and a officer (name i don't remember)

Why should you be unbanned?
Your name: DF-DustGame

Your ban ID: 82503

Steam ID:[b]STEAM_0:0:78213935

R/C to avoid arrest

Staff member who banned you: [b][b][FL:T] Chumps[/b][/b]

Reason why you should be unbanned: i pressed ALF+F5 and did not want to do that i wanted to press F5 to take a screenshot.
Alt+5 closes the page...

my mistake 

No evidence to back up your claims, and therefore the ban will remain.
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]

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