[BANNED] Luke ( Barrack Obama )
Player name: Luke ( Barrack Obama )

SteamID (if possible):
# 26 "Luke" STEAM_0:1:11268198 16:35 91 0 active

Time in GMT: ?

Summary: Prop Pushing, Cop Rdm, Road Kill More Prop Pushing, Prop Killing, Prop Surfing.

Evidence: Fraps Videos and who ever was on the server at 21:56 Pm - My fraps is apperntly corrupted (damn... )

Players on :

# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state
# 17 "[FL:RP] Mushroom Man" STEAM_0:1:22083942 43:12 93 0 active
# 24 "[FL:RP] Reiska" STEAM_0:0:16081993 19:53 101 0 active
# 26 "Luke" STEAM_0:1:11268198 16:35 91 0 active
# 21 "[FL:RP] Flueknøller" STEAM_0:0:18849040 29:52 128 0 active
# 6 "[FL:RP]ANDREWGRAHAM1" STEAM_0:1:26864125 59:45 92 0 active
# 22 "Elmo" STEAM_0:0:30021840 28:06 104 0 active
# 9 "[FL:RP] ProXno" STEAM_0:0:25829200 56:30 146 0 active
# 16 "king-killer-(DK)" STEAM_0:0:14687494 44:49 113 0 active
# 27 "Torbjææærn Cheese" STEAM_0:1:10884466 15:22 292 0 active
yep this guy needs to get banned right away he rejoined thinking we would give him a second chance but we made him quit by arresting him.

He is a prop pusher and a minge i beleive this is a perma ban no question
Prop killed me as mayor. Prop surfed to top of nexus 4 times and loads more
Need more evidence please.
I know this guy, and i know he is an minge!
This guy rings a bell in my book, as I've had to deal with his proppushing and FailRPing as a cop or the president. I'm pretty sure he's received numerous warning kicks and light bans, so next time I catch him up to no-good, I'm gonna give him a few days to think about the meaning of life, the beginning of the universe and why he shouldn't be a fucking minge.
I don't think I have seen him on the server
i saw this guy too , he tried to cdm me all the time
Elmo is probably one of the best RP players on the server - so I think its highly unlikely that they'd lie Smile

I'm not saying that counts as evidence, but its at least likely to be true Smile
Luke has been banned permanently. Closed.
Dare to think!

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