Your name: [FL:RP] dob

Your blacklist ID: 102992

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:199645405

Reason: BRA (89734) - Breaking NLR

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Awestruck

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: 

So I was banned for breaking NLR in this report which can be found here: https://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.ph...#pid788016

At the time, I thought the report was invalid. In my opinion, it did not so sufficient evidence to acknowledge my actions of accusations; and neither did I re-call breaking NLR. However, [FL] Awestruck claims this is true. This report was made on the 26th of September and concluded on the 13th of October. During this period, this situation has faded in my mind and I have have no recording of my PoV to remind me. I believe the full version of the video as a result should be requested.

So I firstly raided cro's gang as a citizen alongside my friend Goat. We died. During this period, I remember cro being very toxic and calling out several people in OOC for breaking NLR (Police at the time). During Goat and me raiding, we experienced a fight between the cops and cro's gang. I re-call to cro's gang killing us however (?)  

During this period, there were lots of cops. In fact there was so many I believe Goat had to wait for a slot to open. I used to the number to my advantage, because obviously fighting with a team of government is better than two!

"(Proof it was 5 Min apart) https://gyazo.com/2ba8372504a340c8ca3d5c76be57e11b

(Initial raid as thugs) https://plays.tv/video/5babce9541e6f7aa0...ing-killed
(NLR Raid as cops) https://plays.tv/video/5babd0b4e38511edc...to-raid-us"

Now, can we inspect the first video: https://plays.tv/video/5babce9541e6f7aa0...ing-killed

The video starts on two minutes and ends with his NLR on 4 minutes.

Now lets inspect the second video https://plays.tv/video/5babd0b4e38511edc...to-raid-us

It starts on 6 minutes NLR and ends on 7. 

Now, I have a screenshot of my NLR, as cop, on 11 minutes. I took this because this player had no keypad, however I don't believe all my screenshots show sufficient evidence so I did not post the player report. This can be seen here: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/u...278F3D3FE/

I personally don't think I broke NLR. And if I did, I am 100% sure it was a mistake. Things happen, and I do not usually break NLR as my last blacklist for it was by [FL] Ghost; consequently I think it should be removed as it was an innocent mistake. 

Thank you for your time, Dob.
Hello Dob, straight after you had killed Cro (in his video, your kill on him is cut out at the very end of the video)

v4b1 [19:14:01] [FL:RP] dob (STEAM_0:0:199645405) Killed: £10 Cro (STEAM_0:1:441811204) using weapon_mad_m4

5 seconds later you were then killed
v4b1 [19:14:06] Jony (STEAM_0:1:160186707) Killed: [FL:RP] dob (STEAM_0:0:199645405) using weapon_mad_m3

15 seconds later you switch to Police Officer
v4b1 [19:14:21] [FL:RP] dob (STEAM_0:0:199645405) used command: team 6.00
v4b1 [19:14:23] [FL:RP] dob (STEAM_0:0:199645405) has spawned as Police Officer

Now, at the end of £10 Cro's video his time played count was at 165 hours and 36 minutes

At the start of his second video: https://plays.tv/video/5babd0b4e38511edc...to-raid-us
His hours are at 165 hours and 43 minutes.

A quick log check proved that he never disconnected between these times. This means that the Time Played is true to the time gone by in game.

This means ~7 minutes had gone by before you had returned to the scene of your own death, if not earlier.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
Hello Awestruck thank you for your quick response. So you have helped my understand my NLR and why I am blacklisted. Your actions are justified, and mine are not legally justified however I do not feel like a punishment is not needed. Like I've already stated, my last NLR blacklist was by [FL] Ghost - so looking at a good year ago (?). This therefore means it is not the norm. for me to commit such acts. My quick switch to Police Officer RP may have distracted me from my NLR time as I was occupied into constant backup calls to such area. You can clearly see I've made an attempt to not break NLR as I waited 7 minutes. I guess this has helped my remind myself to check simple things. We all make slip ups, and this is mine. I hope you understand my side of the story. If it is a hopeless argument, you might as well put me out my misery. However it was simply a slip up which I can assure will not happen again. 

Thank you this opportunity, Dob.
Hello Dobs, I feel you have more than enough experience to know by now. Therefore I will not be lifting the punishment.

Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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