PR: Aspire - Consistently Arguing, OOC Discrimination, Fueling Arguments
Name of player: Aspire

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:200223448

Time in GMT: 13:00 - 15:00

Server: v4b1 & Discord

After confronting a player who started to insult me in OOC due to me demoting him for a very valid reason and refused to post a PR instead of insulting me. Aspire needlessly stepped in. At some point I sarcastically called him 'Sweetie'. He for some reason took offense and claimed it was a unwanted sexual advance on him. I made it clear multiple times that I was not making sexual advances but apparently me stating in that English wasn't enough to get the message across. He never asked me to stop, just rudely told me to fuck off several times.

Throughout the afternoon him and another member made some pretty nasty comments about the LGBT+ Community. Making comments like they don't deserve to be accepted/respected. then proceeded to say "We'll respect them once they respect us." which in my eyes is hypocritical after what they just stated. All the comments made were said JUST to provoke others and add fuel to the fire. I'm not making this PR because I believe certain opinions should be enforced, but people should know when to stop talking.

After several times that I stated I made 0 sexual advances on him, he still ignorantly believed that I was and used it as excuse to complain and berate me about it. He then made an unwanted/unneeded post in Help & Support, again JUST to fuel the fire, continue the unwanted argument/collision. 

I'm sure logs can be checked for more malicious comments made by him.
Poseidon Corporation - Director of Government Relations
LGBTQR+ Society - Founding Director

"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." 
-Oprah Winfrey

I was very respectful considering you called me sweetie to sexually advance on me like 10 times, I told you to stop saying it as I didn't like it, that was my exact words, you continued to say it.

This pr has no valid evidence and no basis, I said openly I was against the lgbt community but I still wouldn't disrespect anyone unless they personally attacked me, like you did, you made an unwanted advance and was told to stop which you did not.
Fearless is not a place where sexual advances are welcome, if someone tells you to stop as they don't like it, then you should, but you continued, you really made me feel uncomfortable tbh.

Ty for the pr, I will not be replying again unless an admin requests it.


Concluding notes

There is insufficient evidence to support your claims reported above.

I will however warn you both to be a little more mature. I understand you may both think you're right but if anything Aspire you seem to have maybe taken a comment out of context and instead of continuing Potato you should have just reported it there and then, or provided enough proof.

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