verzuh PR
Name of player: verzuh

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43942152

Time in GMT: 21:40-ish GMT+3

Server: v5p

Summary: verzuh drew a Mac-10 in the vicinity of three armed government members in a passiveRP for no reason. I also believe he changed his job to 'Psychopathic Chinese Investor' to get a reason to do so, however I have no proof myself of that. Pleas keep in mind that the user has 4 bans for FailRP/FearRP and 4 Weapons blacklists.

[Image: 7EmE7CZ.png]
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Player report approved.

The user was found guilty of failrp. You would not try to 'hold up' a shop that has 3 heavily armed government officials in it.

As a result, the user will receive a 2 hour blacklist from weapons.


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