Player Report on: input291 (Double Account)
Name of player: input291/Im NEW

SteamID: input: STEAM_0:0:208184742:     SteamID: ImNEW: STEAM_0:0:208184742

Time in GMT: 2:30am

Server:  v5p

Summary: (Suspect Double Account) AwestruckBullet banned a player for hacking shown here: [Image: 7c489ea260cd4285efa06e5ed647be28.png]
A user joined the game as input291
We checked the user banned and cheked the steam names shown here: [Image: 0f43bc36e8b611f854432ad572883430.png]
The name "input291" was a recent one, we seen the same name (Believed same account) as a chef shown here: [Image: 109757a701ea0bd78dba20210d025f0a.png]
Shortly after the user left the server

Evidence: As above ^
[Image: Bj6kLZS.png]

After some background checks on the users, we came to a conclusion that this indeed is a double account of STEAM_0:1:230142626
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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