bonk the caveman  and Pat0man8
Report: bonk the caveman  and Pat0man8

Name of player: bonk the caveman  and Pat0man8

SteamID: bonk STEAM_0:0:35851800  Pat STEAM_0:1:26865068

Time in GMT: 2.28 AM

Server: v5p

Summary: I killed a guy but the cop got mad so I said don't kill me then someone killed him. he came back tried to CDM.

    [Image: giphy.gif]
yes!!!!!! invovlewjd bradley is correct i got cdmed by these men aswell pls ban Sad

Now for the green Mini CDM, his car was stolen. But both players were found of guilty of killing a tased body, and bonk the caveman was found guilty of CDM with the white van and breaking fearRP, as seen on the video.

(Also, for future cases. Don't break NLR, even if the player who killed you broke a rule.
 You need an admin permission to ignore NLR)
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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