Player Report on: Chris2707_ | Celina♥♥
Name of player: Chris2707_  | Celina♥♥

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56218145

Time in GMT: 2:10pm

Server: v5p

Summary: I was police sergeant, getting petrol when all of a sudden I got demoted for not calling in 10-8/I was talking to someone. After this I asked for a reason behind my demotion and the player argued with me OOC. I tried to stop the conversation and went on to explain that Fearless Roleplay was NOT serious roleplay server (Player said "I guess you've not played on a serious rp server or police rp" which, no, I've not. Anyway the player then proceeded to call me a "retard" in OOC chat once I said to him it was a semi - serious roleplay server. Sorry but I am not getting called that in OOC infront of a server with 10-15 players on it. I understand its not a very big issue but it offended me enough to make me post a player report.
Role 5.6 was broken in this situation

Evidence: [Image: 68A8161E7A3A562D45EE1D1FC0A709E7689DF076]
[Image: Bj6kLZS.png]
I can back this up since Chris2707_ | Celina♥♥ is the one who asked me to add the law.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:78348183]


Concluding notes

Although you can account for the situation as others can, the evidence doesn't directly show him disrespecting you. I can't punish anyone based on assumption, although I will speak to the user to ensure that language isn't used against anyone if that's what they intended to do.

Closed & Moved.

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