UBR #1.
Your name: Dobby

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:199645405

Ban ID: 77477

Administrator of banning: [FL] Eee349

Reason: D/C to avoid RP.

Why you should unban: Yesterday night, I got banned for breaking FearRP. On the ban page if you click on your steamID it shows all your bans. I noticed that the one before breaking FearRP was ''D/C to avoid RP''. I have 0 clue or idea that I was banned for this until yesterday. I was very surprised!

Yesterday admin sit Eee349, you recorded the situation, so I was wondering if you could explain what I did/when it happen and if any recordings because I had literally no clue that I was banned for this and don't sound like something I would do/can't think of when I did it. I only have small time on my PC so when I am on the server I try not to break rules and when I disconnect it always at the correct times.

Many thanks,
Could you please fix the BanID and the SteamID, as both of them seems to be incorrect.

You have 24 hours to fix this.

Thank you.

"Ban time under 1 week: A second unban request is not allowed."


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